Adelere Adesina


Adelere Adesina

A young man living in Nigeria and born in 1997, I have been a student of the Bible since the day I could read and write. From the education of my parents, especially the private sessions with my mother, I learned all the wonderful stories of the Bible, and about the Almighty God who rules the affairs of humankind.

When I started studying Neville Goddard by December 2020, I learned that this story of God which my mother taught me from the Bible is happening all within me. My whole life began to make useful sense. I put the law of assumption to test and created such tremendous shifts in my daily life that after repeated and undeniable success with myself and for others, I teach this to my friends from all over the world who are eager to realise that Jesus Christ is the Human Imagination and to live their life to the fullest by imagining all wonderful and loving experiences of humankind. I teach that Your Human Imagination is the Sovereign God with whom all your desires are achievable.

‘To the degree that you are self-persuaded of the reality of your imaginal act, it will become fact in your world.’
– Neville Goddard –

In the steps of my teacher, Neville, I simply teach the Bible, interpreting it to be the eternal story of Your Wonderful Power that is Your Imagination. I teach that you can give beauty for ashes and the Promise is yours to experience. My purpose is for you to rise in consciousness until your awakened imagination is the master in every domain of your life. My deepest pleasures have been to witness my students not only confidently and effortlessly have their desires happen, but to see them growing into teachers who can share the truth with others: Imagining Creates Reality.

– Adelere –

Will you take the first step?

Coaching Packages Available:





Mastery of Clarity Of Imagining


Master Your Revisions


Master Your Inner Speech


You Are In Barbados
