Shrutti Aggarwal

Iam Shruti Aggarwal an adernt believer of GOD in me . As a child I grew up knowing this . I became a successful Fashion Designer & when I would talk about the warp & weft and curating of tge fabric … whoop whoop my inner speech would say that Is how you curate NEW YOU . Since 2005 Iam an CONSCIOUSNESS COACH , travelled extensively & transformed many lives & livings … Would see the GOD in everyone … I was lucky to know & read Neville’s books & heard his lectures since 2022 march …. It is this moment I started transcending to something greater & Supreme …. Knowing the God in me which I was aware of since childhood & now someone is showing that path. In the process all my desires / ideals started manifesting .. I would see people who join my hands become successful .. now I get it after reading NEVILLE.. that subconsciously Iam IMAGINATING SUCCESS in all areas . My question to you is what is your desire? I have a solution for you to have it NOW … Iam in love with IMAGINING THE GOD IN ME & with that TRUST ALL IS POSSIBLE .

Neville Goddard: Exploring the Fundamental Teachings of a Visionary

Neville Goddard was a Supreme Imagination Coach in the New Thought movement of the mid-20th century. He was one of…

1 year ago