More than anyone I know, the effortless way interests me. It is the way I always love to pursue the accomplishments of my objectives. As a son, a brother, an employer and now a husband, one of the core objectives in my life is to have more than enough money to fulfil my responsibilities to the people in my life to whom I have responsibility. I found the effortless way to do that when, one day, I applied the principles from the Effortless Way in the Power of Awareness by Neville (coupled with the lesson in the Secret of Feeling from Freedom for All) to make money within twenty-four hours. Then I did it again and within seven days, I received money thrice to cover the expenses I had at the time, and leave me with more left. Each receipt was out of nowhere because I wasn’t calculating it, I wasn’t banking on it nor expecting it. And in the manner which each came, it was in a mutually beneficial manner and respectful. I knew I had found a certain way to make money the effortless way.
On August 18th 2023, I released this receiving money exercise in the coaching clinic, Manifest Your Financial Freedom for people who followed the coaching clinic activities. It is wonderful to witness so many people who applied it, for within seven days of releasing this exercise, there are fifty (50) success stories (as at the time of writing this). I want to share the success stories with you. The slides are all screenshots and the fonts are tiny, but they will be captioned in a sentence that summarises each of them. Before I write them out though, it would be great to share the exercise here again. And I believe that you would take it and apply it step-by-step as suggested.
This has happened for many people literally in minutes. But the highest incubation period until anyone experiences it is ten days when the instructions are correctly followed.
First, decide that you want to receive money. Then imagine that you receive money. Here are the steps.
For example, PayPal & Stripe use phone quick notifications, some banks use email, and some others use SMS. Which does your bank use for your account?
* In the case where you do not receive notifications but always have to check your bank account yourself, there is always an indicator from your bank to represent that you have received money. Such as a green highlight, a plus sign or an ‘incoming’ note. Use this.
I have used this exercise with emails, SMSs and push notifications from the first day I saw that it worked. And it has kept bringing me money effortlessly. Now, there are 50 success stories here below. See each one of them.
I shall keep each person anonymous by blurring out any of their details including their names, but leave the initials of their names. Let us for a moment feel thankful to these friends who shared their stories with so much joy and enthusiasm that inspired and will continue to inspire so many more people that IMAGINATION CREATES MONEY.
From South Africa
From India
From India
From Nepal
From the USA
From the UAE
From India
From India
From Nigeria
From South Africa
From UAE
From Singapore
From South Africa
From the USA
From the Netherlands
From Ghana
From South Africa
From the USA
From India
From Nigeria
From Nigeria
Isn’t that the conclusion here? That Imagination creates reality. All these fifty success stories could have been in each person’s life a daily story, and I am sure for many of these and many more to come, it would become the daily story of receiving constant money from the unlimited source, from the source that does not ask anything in return: the Wonderful Human Imagination.
There are many other exercises, very important exercises to become rich. To assume wealth and make it happen the effortless way. And many of these exercises will be found in the Imagination Creates Money Masterclass. For the moment, let it be known from far and near that IMAGINATION CREATES MONEY.
Yours royally 👑,
Adelere Adesina 🤴🏿
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