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Positive Affirmations for men are one of the most popular personal development tools around. But take care to utilize them correctly as they can be the least effective tool.
Because your subconscious mind will resist statements like ‘I am rich beyond my wildest dreams’ if they aren’t believed. They do not fit into your current belief system.
So does that mean positive affirmations for men don’t work? Not at all!
They work beautifully and are very powerful when used correctly.
The purpose of a positive affirmation is NOT to change anything outside of yourself but to change the way you FEEL about a specific area of your life.
When you feel differently you will start to think and believe differently about it. And when you think, feel and believe differently, you will take different actions and different more positive experiences will manifest in your life.
Remember the true power of a positive affirmation lies in how it makes you feel.
You should start to notice that you feel better about the subject, then your belief about it starts shifting to a better place, and then you start noticing more and more opportunities that will achieve your goal.
This happens due to the face you become more receptive to your opportunities because you no longer are in a closed, pessimistic state of mind.
So here are some ready-made positive affirmations for men that can help you on your journey in achieving health, wealth and success in your life.
I choose to be healthy.
I love healthy food.
Every day I find it easier to live a healthy lifestyle.
My body and mind are naturally healthy.
I look and feel 10 years younger than I am.
I deserve and accept perfect health now.
I feel calm and relaxed.
Exercise makes me feel healthier and healthier.
I love the feeling once my workout is finished.
My body becomes stronger and leaner everyday.
I am willing to accept as part of my daily routine exercise.
Each time I exercise I build muscle and burn fat.
A positive mindset keeps my body healthy.
Keeping my body at its optimum health is my minds focus.
Large sums of money come to me in different forms plus many ways.
I now choose to accept money into my life on a daily basis.
On a daily basis I am attracting money/abundance into my life.
I believe there is enough money in the universe for everyone to share.
On a daily basis financial freedom comes to me simply and effortlessly.
I regularly come across great financial opportunities.
Everyday is a wealthy day.
I am attracting success in my life.
Success follows me wherever I go.
I am worthy of success.
I have a successful attitude towards life.
I am a success magnet.
Every day attracts more success into my life.
My mind is focused on achieving success in my life.
I accept new career opportunities now.
My talents are now attracting the perfect career.
Fantastic career opportunities present themselves to me.
I always make a fantastic impression at any interview I attend.
My job offers me complete creative freedom.
Every day in every way my career is getting more successful.
I am so happy and grateful for my successful career.
Another great tool personal development tool which will compliment affirmations is ‘our Free online affirmations course. Click the link and enroll now for instant access out this visualisation course on xxxxx.
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