Neville Teachings

Transform Your Reality with the Power of Inner Conversations

I never realized just how important our inner conversations were until I started putting Neville Goddard’s teachings to the test.

Neville encouraged us to test the Law of Assumption, which I find is the step that most people miss when learning about his teachings and trying to manifest their desires.  I know that it was that way for me for years.

When we really learn to take notice of our inner conversations, we will notice the cause of all the things that we experience in our reality.   Most of us fail to see the correlation to what we experience in our 3D reality and the ideas that we’ve allowed ourselves to entertain within our own minds. We simply forget because those thoughts are automatic.

Recognizing Negative Inner Conversations

For the past year, a common complaint that I’ve been hearing about is the rising cost of things.  For instance, groceries.   “Have you seen how expensive groceries are lately? $10 for a watermelon!  I remember when a whole watermelon used to cost $3.  What a rip off!  How is anyone supposed to afford to feed their family? No wonder the lines at the food banks are long.  People can’t even afford groceries.”

Or how about the rising cost of gasoline?  Every time I would drive by a gas station, I would think, “Gas is so expensive! It’s because of the extra taxes the government charges.  Don’t they take enough in taxes already?”.  There’s pretty much a gas station every few blocks, so this injustice would be top of mind every day I was out.  I could feel the dissatisfaction and irritation and me mentally shaking my head.

Little did I realize just how harmful this inner talking was to me and my ability to manifest the things that I said that I wanted.

Neville said this in his book ‘Awakened Imagination’…

“Every stage of man’s progress is made by the conscious exercise of his imagination matching his inner speech to his fulfilled desire. Because man does not perfectly match them the results are uncertain, while they might be perfectly certain.

Persistent assumption of the wish fulfilled is the means of fulfilling the intention. As we control our inner talking, matching it to our fulfilled desires, we can lay aside all other processes. Then we simply act by clear imagination and intention.

We imagine the wish fulfilled and carry-on mental conversations from that premise. Through controlled inner talking from premises of fulfilled desire, seeming miracles are performed. The future becomes the present and reveals itself in our inner speech. To be held by the inner speech of fulfilled desire is to be safely anchored in life. Our lives may seem to be broken by events, but they are never broken so long as we retain the inner speech of fulfilled desire. All happiness depends on the active voluntary use of imagination to construct and inwardly affirm that we are what we want to be.”

The Shift: Aligning Inner Conversations with Desires

As I started really paying attention to the thoughts that I was having and the inner conversations that were playing out in my mind, I realized how far off my thoughts were from the things that I said I wanted.

In 2020, I set a goal for myself to become financially free and become a millionaire.  It seemed impossible at the time, and I had no idea how it was going to become a reality.  I had attended a financial seminar at the very beginning of that year and the speaker said, “More millionaires are made during times of crisis than at any other time.”

Yea right, buddy!  This idea was so foreign to me, and I could not comprehend it.  I now understand that it’s because my dominant state of being was one of lack and limitation.  It became obvious to me when I started to pay attention to the thoughts that I allowed myself to entertain.

Groceries are so expensive.
Gas prices are outrageous.
I can’t afford it.
Money doesn’t grow on trees.
People don’t like rich people because they’re greedy and snobby.
Rich people got their money by taking advantage of others.
You must work hard for your money.
I can never get ahead.
There’s never anything left over.
The chances of winning the lottery are zero to none.

The idea is that we must match our inner conversations to the things we desire and the dominant thoughts that I had floating through my mind were nowhere close to where they needed to be.

Once we start paying attention, we give ourselves the opportunity to shift the trajectory of our thoughts.  You can’t change what we aren’t aware of, so self-awareness is a very important tool to utilize, in my opinion.

I noticed that entertaining these types of negative thoughts would cause me to be in a state of suffering.  I would feel defeated, frustrated and overwhelmed.  I realized that suffering was a state of being that I did not like and wanted nothing to do with it.

“Put off the former conversation, the old man, which is corrupt…and be renewed in the spirit of your mind…put on the new man, which is created in righteousness. – Ephesians 4:22-24” – Neville Goddard.

Understanding that our inner conversations are creative, I had to become mindful and intentional to change the self-talk.  Whenever I caught myself taking the time to contemplate thoughts that didn’t serve me, I asked myself, “Do I really want to call more of this into my life?”  and if the answer was no, then I purposefully stopped myself and shifted my thoughts.  Doing this repeatedly made me feel so much better; about myself, about others and about the world I lived in.

I shifted the internal dialogue to…
Things are always working out for me.
I am so grateful for the money that I have.
I am unconditionally loved and supported.
Abundance is my birthright.
Money comes to me effortlessly.
Opportunities are all around me.
Rich people give generously for wonderful causes all the time.
The world is full of good people.
I am happy, healthy and wealthy.
I love feeling financially secure.
I am abundant.
Whenever I ask, I automatically receive.

There is an infinite number of wonderful things that we can say to ourselves to help us reach higher levels of consciousness and feel better.  It’s easy to think in alignment with what we desire when things are good. It’s another when thigs aren’t going our way.  This is when we need to persist in becoming the new version of ourselves.

It serves you tremendously when you can learn to emotionally detach yourself from the things you don’t want and magnify the feeling of more empowering thoughts.  It requires awareness, intention and persistence to shift the inner dialogue.

I started to see real shifts in the way that I was feeling because of the new stories that I started telling myself. This in turn, lead to different actions and different results.

And it worked.

This manifesting journey has it’s up and down moments, but with the help of controlled inner conversations, we can make this a fun and enjoyable process as we deliberately design our dream life.


Cheryl Andrisani

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