I recently overheard the below quote on a Joe Rogan podcast about Scripting and I thought, not only was it motivational, but from a mystical perspective this was extremely practical. You see when we begin to awaken from this dream called life, we no longer think regretfully or nostalgically about the past. We stop becoming mildly wishful about the future; we understand that being at the helm of our own existence we are the architect and director of our own life circumstances. Finally we realize through imagination, we create good or bad, every experience. This revelation is what empowers us, this is what sets us free. It also means we can live our life like we are the star of our own movie!
“Live your life like your the hero in your movie. Right now is when the movie starts. Your in the part of the movie that if your in a dark place right now , pretend that now is the start of the movie, your in a shit bag but you turn it around.” JOE ROGAN
Rather than being worried or anxious, life can be seen as one big adventure there to be explored and experienced. Being in the present, when we consciously imagine, we can begin to design and orchestrate a life that thrills, entertains and excites us. Imitating a movie production we can design an epic, of legendary proportions. The exception being on this occasion, as well as producing and directing we are featured in the central role.
What I’m inviting you to do is to start seeing your life as your own movie and yourself also as the producer, scriptwriter and director and main star. In fact the entire production team is all contained within you.! You get to call the shots, create the scenes and determine the outcomes this movie, your life is entirely your creation.
Table of Contents
Who doesn’t love a great hero story. In most films, the protagonist’s journey often sees he or she, go through an arc of events, a bit like life I suppose. Somewhere in the story the hero often experiences a fall from grace, or disappointment. They might face insurmountable odds, a big challenge or a major setback. But its through the journey of overcoming this adversity, that the hero builds character; finds the inner strength to overcome and eventually triumph.
That’s the general gist, so if right now your currently in a challenging situation this could be a powerful turning point in your own epic tale. Simply shifting your perspective in your time of adversity can transform you from feeling helpless to feeling empowered to overcome. Right now you can start to create the perfect script for your desired outcome. As the title says; ” lets: turn your life into a movie”. you get to call the scenes and write the dialogue of your fantastic future you can live like you are the hero. In this movie, you the central figure will eventually fulfill your destiny and achieve your wish fulfilled. This sounds like fun, but if you fully embrace this concept, it could prove to be a very practical tool to transform your life. By engaging in this process you will gain clarity and a more positive perspective on solving what ever challenge you might be facing right now.
This is the starting point and gives you focus about what your goal is .Your title can be simple and straight forward e.g.’ Losing my excess weight’ or perhaps something even more aspirational like ” getting my dream job’ in any case it’s fine as long as your title sets out a clear intention or outcome. It could be the solution to an issue your facing right now or the fruition of a long held dream Your desire or intended outcome; the end result is where you must begin. Determine what it is that you want. Place no condition, no limitation and most importantly do not consider the how.
Obviously this is you, the hero. The story starts today, because your here now and the turning point in your movie is just beginning. Just understand that like all super heroes you have special powers. What powers? The power of imagination. Yes believe it or not you’ve always possessed the talent to become anything you imagine yourself to be. To the intellectual this may seem farcical, but the foundation of the. Law of Assumption teaches that each of us is imbued with the only creative power in the universe , the imagination. By imaginatively scripting your future , you are Harnessing this power and beginning to determine future events . As you first begin to awaken you will realize, that up until now you’ve been unconsciously misusing this power.
Only through practice and overcoming trials and adversities will you develop proficiency and efficacy. eventually you’ll learn to whole heartedly put your trust in this divine talent.
“To try to make this world a nice, sweet little place, in which we are all happy and have enough to eat and drink is fine, but that hasn’t a thing to do with the mystery of Christ. Were there no struggle, no effort would be made to awaken from the dream of life. Rather, the sleeper would fall deeper into sleep.” Neville Goddard
Now, no hero story would be complete without a jeopardy, I mean no epic tale is ever straight forward right?. You can’t have a testimony without a test. So choose to see the predicament, setback or challenge your experiencing right now as an extremely powerful moment in your epic movie called life, especially if it is the very thing that has motivated you to investigate conscious creating.
I know for myself this whole experience has been a continuing journey of self discovery. But upon reflection I know look back upon the rock bottom place where I once was as being a really powerful and pivotal moment in my life. Why? Because it became my catalyst, my springboard to seek the truth and expand my consciousness. Upon reflection I can honestly say i wouldn’t be writing this article today if it wasn’t for that low point.
In my desperation to free myself from the undesired state I found myself in, my purpose was fueled. My desire to learn more about the power of imagination and more importantly how it could save me became an obsession. When I was at that point; it compelled me to “go all in” as they say and to actually apply the knowledge I was acquiring.
So back to your movie yes you the hero, whatever your current predicament, situation or adversity remember this is only a state and the super power you already possess (even though you may not believe it yet ) the powers of imagination will allow you to move and shift out of the undesired state and into your solution. The only thing like most heroes in the movies your going to have to go through a trial period of learning and evolving.
Your wish fulfilled ;remember you get to write your own fantastic script. So this is the part where you create a scene that will be the solution to your current undesired state. Now as I mentioned before your learning to exercise this power,
So put on your limitless hat and create any scene you want. What would you encounter, who would you meet, what would they say if your desires were realized . You don’t need to know all the answers of how your going to get from here to there, that’s the great thing about working with this fantastic law The beauty of it is that you just go to the beautiful crescendo. Yes that’s right create in your imagination a scene that you would experience, if your problems were solved or your desires realized.
I know some of you that are use to having all the answers before you trust anything, but you have to forebode that limiting modality. Just know that this is the conditioning of the ego and its probably what has contributed to you being in your current predicament. As I mentioned before, in most epic tales part of the protagonist story is that there always a inner struggle. Unleashing this latent power which you already posses means you will have fight to break free from the vice like grip of your own ego. After all its been in control of your life up until now and it wont relinquish it’s throne without a struggle.
I thought I mention this, as its often the part when most people fall down and if your truly going to succeed in this endeavor to live your life like your in an epic movie; this its the one battle, the only battle you must win.
That being said, don’t worry how its going to happen just go ahead and create a scene that means your wishes came true. ( Our book Mastering The State Akin To Sleep) gives more tips on getting the imaginal scene just right!. Once you’ve done that we’ll move on to other characters in your movie.
Before you imagine, take a moment and clarify the form your imaginal act will take. Are you giving a celebration party or is he? Who will be there ? Fill the room with those who would want to share in the celebration. Raise your glass and say:
“here’s to your fabulous, your salary increase, and the challenge of your greater responsibility…Just go to the end ” Neville Goddard
All great movies have a list of supporting actors that help the story along a more importantly interact with the hero along his/ her journey. In this case the supporting character or characters which would be friends ,family and peers are an integral part of your movie scene. You see as you begin to learn how to fashion your life and design future events, they too will be part of your experience.
Your nearest and most immediate family are probably those who you are most familiar with. In your imagination you can easily replicate a facial expression or a tone of their voice or physical movement. As I sit here writing this blog, I find its so easy to imagine hearing my brother speak to me. The poor fellow has played a apart in so many of my imaginal movies (if only he knew) So creating a scene involving my brother, I would find so easy and natural. It’s important to note the more natural the scene, the more effective the impression into the subconscious mind.
So In your imaginal scene what would your supporting characters say or do to confirm your desired outcome. If for example you lost those unwanted pounds, maybe in your imaginal scene you partner walks up to you and congratulates with a fist pump, smiles and says ” wow I haven’t seen you in those jeans for years !)” ” you look great!”. The idea is to just be creative and keep the scene as natural and familiar as possible.
I invite you to embrace scripting as a tool to help rewrite your reality. Through scripting, you engage your imagination and set a clear intention for manifestation. Once you completed this scene script with dialogue and location, we’ll move on to the most important part of this entire process, the act of imagining this scene over and over again until it begins to feel real.
Ok you’ve completed scripting the scene , its time to get practical. Find a quiet spot close your eyes and spend a few minutes imagining the scene you scripted in your mind, See yourself making new choices. seeing yourself talking ,laughing interacting with others as you experiencing your wish fulfilled Make the colors brighter and bigger. Now as you open your eyes and come out of this imaginative process I want you to Feel great about taking control of your life. Don’t trivialize what you have just done, why because if you have complete faith in that simple imaginal movie scene , that simple snapshot will at some point in the future become your experience! Continue to practise imagine this scene over and over again until it begin to feel real. Once you’ve achieve this feeling, then all that is left is to live your life in the belief that it will come true; because it will become a objective fact. Yep !Imagination and faith is all you need.
A trained disciplined imagination can give you anything you desire.
If you follow Neville Goddard’s teachings closely you will notice the importance he placed on Going Into The Silence” the practice of training the minds eye. Not only did he conclude everyone of his lectures with this instruction, but he also testified to this daily training in all his books. His many successes are testimony to what practicing and, honing this faculty can give you.
Neville himself gave similar instructions in creating a movie scene in one of his books only he likened this process to that of a stage play. In his famous book Seedtime and Harvest Chapter 2 – The Four Mighty Ones he compares the four creative functions of the mind to the four most important characters in the production of a play. The producer, the author, the director and the actor are all integral in a movie production and he tells us how we can replicate this when we use our imagination.
“the drama of life is a joint effort of the four quarters of the human soul…All that you behold is a visual construction contrived to express a theme which has been dramatized, rehearsed and performed elsewhere” NEVILLE GODDARD
The chapter is a terrific additional instruction on how this can be applied in everyday life this in the real drama of life. Its a terrific book and if you haven’t done so already then I encourage you to read it. There’s a link to a free PDF copy of this book.
I want you to know that to attempt to live your dream life with out first having it created in consciousness is a for-lone crusade, Your dedication to expand your awareness and manifest your desires is truly commendable! However you must be training your imagination to align with your desires daily!
To live our life as it were a movie , that epic must first be imagined Only after the seed is sown in our consciousness can one physically experience it in this world. Maybe right now you could be in a current predicament, unwanted situation or adversity. Or perhaps you feel frustrated with the inability to change you life fortunes, don’t despair for these are only a states and by harnessing the powers of your imagination will allow you to move and shift out of the undesired situation your in, into your solution. The only thing like most heroes in the movies your going to have to go through a period of testing, learning and evolving but in the end you will triumph like all heroes do
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