Mindful movement meditation has many benefits
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It is a state of doing exercise while having all your attention set on the movements of your body and breathing.
For instance, it may take a while for your mind to register the weight of your body on your feet or the position you are in a while sitting down. You might not have noticed this before, but now that you are specifically required to draw attention to these details, it’s going to bring a moment of relaxation and stillness.
Mindful movement meditation is a one-step-ahead practice in which you are required to stay mentally active and present and focus on the world around you.
It may seem challenging to meditate when you first begin, but as usual, the key is practice.
To practice, you may try listening to an audio song or a podcast while jogging or walking.
From lowering the stress levels and boosting the quality of your sleep, the mindful movement has got loads of benefits that you can unlock.
Following are some of the significant hidden benefits of mindful movement that you can get many advantages;
It’s a well known fact that extreme stress and anxiety can prove to be fatal. If your condition is not so severe, it will at least leave some physical impact, such as the risk of increasing the cardiovascular issues leading to weight gain. The key is to tackle the source of the illness before it damages your overall health and wellness.This can be achieved with mindful movement meditation.
If you have been feeling gloomy and low lately, we highly suggest you practice the basics of the meditation regime. It was proven from research that meditation was at least as effective as other forms of exercise to help reduce the gloominess of your day and lift your spirits.
From our busy routine, taking out time, even if it’s just half-hour or fifteen minutes, is very difficult. Stop. Take a deep breath and look around you instead of crippling over the thoughts of your mind. Mindful movement is going to help you do that. Focus on your surroundings.
Experts suggest that an average person needs to sleep at least 8 hours each night to start the next day afresh. However, due to the minor things going around in our minds due to the anxiety and depression of the minor things, we may find it very hard to relax and sleep. After the meditation, you will indeed feel relaxed and will be able to fall asleep very quickly.
Enhanced sleep is a key benefit.
There is no better time to start meditating than now! Fortunately for you, we have brought some ways you can start doing this practice. Let us have a look at them;
As discussed earlier, a widespread way to practice mindful movement is by doing meditative yoga. In addition, Hatha yoga is known to encompass a sense of mindful meditation. Although when you are all set and are looking for a class that’s going to best suit you and helps you achieve the peace of mind you are looking for, make sure to do your research well as choosing a class that does not suit you will not help you gain that level of comfort and relaxation.
Proven to be one of the easiest ways to bring mindful movement into your life, walking outdoor is just the thing.
Once you are outside, try to focus on your mental state and your surroundings. Instead of thinking about the things you have to get done once you go back, try thinking and focusing on what’s happening as you walk by.
Look at the birds that fly by or the older man nodding towards you approvingly. These little things are what are called experiences and are extremely important for us. Just put all your energy into noticing what’s happening.
Tai Chi is a combination of both flowing movements and deep breathing. It is a form of Chinese martial art aiming at the same thing. The aim is always to concentrate on the ups and downs of your breathing pattern as you move from one position to another.
Now that you understand the benefits and the numerous options, it’s now time to make that first important step.
Why not check out this terrific resource we have for you.
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