The law and Promise
A Prophecy
A PROPHECY In his poem called "Europe," which is a prophecy about you, William Blake said: "Then Enitharmon woke, nor knew that she had slept, and eighteen hundred years were fled as if they had not been." Told in the form of a story, Blake used the name...
A Riddle
A RIDDLE Tonight I will call this, "A Riddle," for every creative mind rises to the challenge of a riddle. Now a riddle is defined in the dictionary as "an imperial object or person; that which is difficult to understand." It is also "a sieve to separate the chaff...
All Powerful Human Word
ALL POWERFUL HUMAN WORDS Moses said: “Show me Thy glory; and the Lord said, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back; but my face shall not be...
Before Abraham was I AM
BEFORE ABRAHAM, WAS I AM The drama tonight opens to the 8th chapter of the Book of John, where the evangelist writes of the state into which he has entered, saying: "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham, was I am." The Bible is a recordation of the eternal...
Biblical Language
BIBLICAL LANGUAGE "All are Men in Eternity. Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Villages, All are Human, and when You enter into Their Bosoms, You walk in Heavens and Earths; Just as in Your Own Bosom You bear Your Heaven And Earth, and all that You behold, though it...
Blake On Religion
BLAKE ON RELIGION When you are discussing Blake you are discussing one of the greatest spiritual giants of all time. You might just as well discuss St. Paul, for they had the identical visions, the vision of reality. Tonight we can cover only a portion of his gift...
Building Your Temple
BUILDING YOUR TEMPLE William Blake, in his poem “The Four Zoas: a Dream of Nine Nights,” tells of God’s fall into division and his resurrection to unity - his fall into generation, decay, and death and his resurrection into the unity of the one Father. Associating...
Eternity Within
ETERNITY WITHIN Tonight’s subject is a mystery to be known only by revelation. It is a secret that has been kept hidden from the beginning of time. Where there is no mystery, where there is no end from the beginning there is no challenge, no place for imagination...
Fourfold Vision
FOURFOLD VISION William Blake once wrote these words to his friend, Thomas Butts: "Now I a fourfold vision see, And a fourfold vision is given to me: 'Tis fourfold in my supreme delight And threefold in soft Beulah's night And twofold always, may God us keep From...
God is Light
GOD IS LIGHT We are told in the 1st Epistle of John, the 1st chapter: “This is the message we have received from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.” Is this a figure of speech or a literal fact? I am telling you from...
Gods Wisest Creature
GOD'S WISEST CREATURE We are told that because of an act of disobedience man fell, thereby separating himself from God. But scripture tells us that God consigned all men to disobedience that he may have mercy upon them. So we see: the fall was a deliberate act, a...
Gods Word
GOD’S WORD We are here in this world for one purpose and that is to fulfill God’s Word, which is scripture. Oh, you can accomplish miracles while you are here, but God sent you - his Word - into the world, saying: “My Word shall not return unto me void. It must...

Going Into The Silence
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