Yours For The Taking

YOURS FOR THE TAKING There is only one cause for the phenomena of life. That cause is God. Housed in you, God is a person in the most literal sense of the word. Believe me, for I know this from experience. God, the only creator, is pure imagination working in the...

Your Maker

YOUR MAKER Your maker is your husband, the Lord of Hosts is his name. By him all things are made, and although he is an unseen activity within you, without him is not anything made that is made. I ask you, as Paul asked the Corinthians, to examine yourselves to see if...

You Can Forgive Sin

YOU CAN FORGIVE SIN “You Can Forgive Sin.” That, to most people, will be blasphemy as you will hear later on, quoting from scripture. It is so common among all of us to ascribe our ills and troubles to outward things – like the present conditions of the world, to our...

You Are A Cosmic Being

YOU ARE A COSMIC BEING Tonight I want you to think of Christ as a cosmic being who contains everyone within him. Having died for all, this one being is in all, and will rise in all. Only one being can rise, for only one being fell. Having deliberately destroyed his...

Where Are You From

WHERE ARE YOU FROM? “Where are you from?” This you will find in the 19th chapter of the Book of John. And the rabbi said to Pilate: “We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die, for he claims he is the Son of God.” And their law would not allow that, for...

True Forgiveness

TRUE FORGIVENESS Tonight we will take two aspects of the great mystery: true forgiveness, and the immortal eyes which see into eternity. "He said to them, 'When two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.' Then Peter said, 'Lord,...

The Value Of Dreams

THE VALUE OF DREAMS Here we use the words "God" or "Christ" or "imagination" interchangeably. They mean the same thing. If I use the word "God" because I am moved to use it, or the word "Christ," it is the same thing. It is the fundamental power that created and...

The True Knowledge Of God

THE TRUE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD The attitude of the world towards the great mystery of Christ is due to their ignorance of who he really is. And only to the degree that the individual experiences the mystery, will he know that he is the heavenly being who came down and...

The Spirit Within

THE SPIRIT WITHIN When reading the Bible always bear in mind that the persons Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Jesus, Peter, Paul, (or any name appearing there) are states of consciousness. The names only identify the states represented. If you see the characters as persons,...

The Seven Eyes Of God

THE SEVEN EYES OF GOD …we must go on to higher and higher levels, for that is the purpose of the teacher. I would like to look tonight into what it is to my mind, the greatest book in the world, the Bible, and show you a section with which you may not be familiar. It...

The Rock

THE ROCK In the 32nd chapter of the Book of Deuteronomy, we are told: "The rock, his work is perfect." Then this question is asked: "Is he not your father who created you? Separating the sons of men, he fixed bounds to the people according to the number of the Sons of...

The Mystery Of Inspiration

THE MYSTERY OF INSPIRATION Inspiration is a divine action which qualifies the individual to receive and communicate sacred revelation. The prophets, apostles, and incurrent eyewitnesses are those who receive such inspiration. The prophets' visions are foreshortened....

The Most Precious Gift

THE MOST PRECIOUS GIFT Tonight’s title is: “The Most Precious Gift.” If He Who created the Universe and all within it gave it to you, and with the whole vast universe owned by you, you would consider that the greatest gift in the world. And, yet, He gave you something...

The Man Within

THE MAN WITHIN Tonight’s subject is: The Man Within. This “Man Within” is Jesus Christ, the image of God, called in Scripture, “The Son of God.” Now, unless this Christ in us is raised to ever higher and higher levels, then God cannot fulfill His purpose. Now, listen...

The Knowledge Of God

THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD Last night I fell asleep dwelling on two thoughts which parallel each other. One is from Paul's letters to the Corinthians and the other from the Gospel of John. Paul said: "I cannot address you as spiritual men, but as members of the flesh, babes...

The Great Secret

THE GREAT SECRET Judas is called the betrayer, but what was it that he betrayed? Judas betrayed the great secret of the messiah and where Jesus might be found. His is the most important role in the great mystery of God. "I have found in David, the son of Jesse, a man...

The Pure In Heart

THE PURE IN HEART I think you are all familiar with the 6th Beatitude: “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.” I daresay it would be unwise to pick and choose among the beatitudes, and yet I daresay most people look upon this beatitude as the...

The Great Possession

THE GREAT POSSESSION The book of Genesis is made up of three records, called the J, P, and E manuscripts. Tonight I will refer to the E manuscript, which begins with the 15th chapter of Genesis: "As the sun was going down, Abram fell into a deep sleep and great...

The Great Mystery

THE GREAT MYSTERY Easter Sunday is the day the world celebrates the greatest mystery of the Christian faith. I use the word "mystery" advisedly, for in the Book of Mark, Jesus turns to his disciples and says: "To you it has been given to know the mystery of God, but...

The Game Of Life

THE GAME OF LIFE The game of life, like every game, is played within the framework of certain rules, and any violation of those rules carries a penalty. You and I are playing this game from morning to night, and should therefore learn its rules in order to play it...

The Free Man

THE FREE MAN Paul was the first man in history to be set free. His letters, forming a quarter of the New Testament, were written approximately thirty years prior to the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. His 1st letter, chronologically speaking, was to the...

The First Principle

THE FIRST PRINCIPLE Do not accept any statement from scripture, the church, or an individual (including the speaker) as true until you have found God or a living truth in what is being said. What I tell you I know from experience, but I ask you not to accept my words...

The Creator

THE CREATOR You will find tonight to be a very practical and yet a very spiritual hour, for I am going to speak to you of the Creator. In Paul's letter to the Romans he said: "All the invisible things of God are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are...

The Book Of Job

THE BOOK OF JOB Tonight we will speak on the Book of Job, possibly the most misquoted book in the world. I dare say all day long you use passages, and you aren’t aware you are misquoting this Book of Job. For no one knows who wrote the book. It bears the title of its...

The Book Of Job

THE BOOK OF JOB Tonight we will speak on the Book of Job, possibly the most misquoted book in the world. I dare say all day long you use passages, and you aren’t aware you are misquoting this Book of Job. For no one knows who wrote the book. It bears the title of its...

The Awakening Of Faith

THE AWAKENING OF FAITH Those who experience the Christian mystery are charged with the responsibility of telling others. Their aim is the awakening of faith in God. For, as Paul, I ask the question: "How can men call upon him in whom they have not believed? And how...

The Artist Is God

THE ARTIST IS GOD God is the great artist, and there is no artistry so lovely as that which perfects itself in the making of its image. God has but one consuming objective and that is to make you into his image, that you may reflect and radiate his glory. On this...


SUMMARY We have been talking about God’s law and God’s promise. God’s law is conditional. You cannot be in one state and not suffer the consequences of not being in another state, and you and I are free to imagine any state in the world, and imagining that state we...

Spiritual Sensation

SPIRITUAL SENSATION The Reverend Dr. Trusler saw the Bible as secular history, and criticized Blake, saying he needed someone to elucidate his ideas. Blake responded by saying: "You ought to know that what is Grand is necessarily obscure to Weak men. That which can be...

Sharing In Creativity

SHARING IN CREATIVITY There is no greater thrill than sharing in divine creative activity! This activity, however, cannot be earned, for it is given by grace. When someone proclaimed: "I am of Paul and I am of Apollo," Paul asked, "Who is Paul and who is Apollo? I...

Seek The Kingdom

SEEK THE KINGDOM That which is most profoundly spiritual is in reality most directly practical. We are told: “Do not be anxious, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ for your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But...


POWER Tonight’s subject is Power. I do not mean the power of Caesar, I’m speaking tonight of the power of God, for here in this world of Caesar I think all nations would admit that this land of ours is by far the greatest power in the world of Caesar: economic power...


PERCEPTION There is nothing that appears in perception which cannot be duplicated in fancy, and what the world perceives is all imaginative in character. Here is a graphic example: I am sure everyone knows what it is to detect the fragrance of a rose. Now smell is a...

No Other Gods

NO OTHER GODS Tonight’s subject is There Is No Other God. You find this in the First Commandment in the book of Exodus, the 20th chapter. “I am the Lord your God, who have brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods...

No Other God

NO OTHER GOD A god sent into the fires of experience is the only God upon whom to rely! Paul knew this truth and urged the Corinthians to “Examine yourselves. Test yourselves whether you are holding to the faith. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Unless,...

No Other Foundation 2

NO OTHER FOUNDATION (2) In Paul's 1st letter to the Corinthians he said: "No other foundation can anyone lay then that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." And in his 2nd letter he asked: "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?" Now I ask you: who is this...

No Other Foundation 1

NO OTHER FOUNDATION (1) Defining Christ as God's power and wisdom, Paul makes this statement: "No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Christ. If you build on it with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay or stubble, your work will...

My Word

MY WORD "My word that goes forth from my mouth shall not return to me empty, but shall accomplish that which I purpose and prosper in the thing for which I sent it."(Isaiah 55) This is the same word recorded in the Book of John as: "In the beginning was the word and...

Infinite States

INFINITE STATES Quite often someone will say to me: “I don’t think others understand you.” I was asked this question: “When you use the word ‘state’ I don’t think others know what you mean, so would you please explain it?’” Tonight I will try. We are told: “You are...

Infinite Power

INFINITE POWER Robert Browning tells us: “Truth is within ourselves. It takes no rise from outer things No matter what you see. There is an inmost center in us all Where truth abides in fullness to know, Rather than insist on opening up a way Whence the imprisoned...

I am The Lord

I AM THE LORD "I am the LORD and there is no other. I form light and create darkness. I make weal and create woe. I, the LORD, do all these things." (Isaiah 45) Then John tells us, "As He is, so are we in this world." Although man is taught the God who creates the...

I am In You

AM IN YOU As Paul said to Timothy: "Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of our religion." Scripture is not secular history, but a mystery which is most important that we understand! Speaking to his disciples, Jesus said: "In that day you will know that I amin the...

Have You Found Him

HAVE YOU FOUND HIM? Tonight’s subject is: “Have you found him? In this question I am asking if you have found the source, the cause of the phenomena of life. I can tell you from experience that he is a person as I am, as you are. Called “the Father,” he is the one of...

Grace Vs Law

GRACE vs. LAW We are told in the first Chapter of John: “The Law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” Unnumbered columns have been written about this grace vs. law. Tonight I am speaking not from theory, I am speaking from...

Gods Word

GOD’S WORD We are here in this world for one purpose and that is to fulfill God’s Word, which is scripture. Oh, you can accomplish miracles while you are here, but God sent you - his Word - into the world, saying: “My Word shall not return unto me void. It must...

Gods Wisest Creature

GOD'S WISEST CREATURE We are told that because of an act of disobedience man fell, thereby separating himself from God. But scripture tells us that God consigned all men to disobedience that he may have mercy upon them. So we see: the fall was a deliberate act, a plan...

God is Light

GOD IS LIGHT We are told in the 1st Epistle of John, the 1st chapter: “This is the message we have received from him and proclaim to you, that God is light and in him there is no darkness at all.” Is this a figure of speech or a literal fact? I am telling you from...

Fourfold Vision

FOURFOLD VISION William Blake once wrote these words to his friend, Thomas Butts: "Now I a fourfold vision see, And a fourfold vision is given to me: 'Tis fourfold in my supreme delight And threefold in soft Beulah's night And twofold always, may God us keep From...

Eternity Within

ETERNITY WITHIN Tonight’s subject is a mystery to be known only by revelation. It is a secret that has been kept hidden from the beginning of time. Where there is no mystery, where there is no end from the beginning there is no challenge, no place for imagination or...

Building Your Temple

BUILDING YOUR TEMPLE William Blake, in his poem “The Four Zoas: a Dream of Nine Nights,” tells of God’s fall into division and his resurrection to unity - his fall into generation, decay, and death and his resurrection into the unity of the one Father. Associating his...

Blake On Religion

BLAKE ON RELIGION When you are discussing Blake you are discussing one of the greatest spiritual giants of all time. You might just as well discuss St. Paul, for they had the identical visions, the vision of reality. Tonight we can cover only a portion of his gift to...

Biblical Language

BIBLICAL LANGUAGE "All are Men in Eternity. Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Villages, All are Human, and when You enter into Their Bosoms, You walk in Heavens and Earths; Just as in Your Own Bosom You bear Your Heaven And Earth, and all that You behold, though it appears...

Before Abraham was I AM

BEFORE ABRAHAM, WAS I AM The drama tonight opens to the 8th chapter of the Book of John, where the evangelist writes of the state into which he has entered, saying: "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham, was I am." The Bible is a recordation of the eternal...

All Powerful Human Word

ALL POWERFUL HUMAN WORDS Moses said: “Show me Thy glory; and the Lord said, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back; but my face shall not be seen.”...

A Riddle

A RIDDLE Tonight I will call this, "A Riddle," for every creative mind rises to the challenge of a riddle. Now a riddle is defined in the dictionary as "an imperial object or person; that which is difficult to understand." It is also "a sieve to separate the chaff...

A Prophecy

A PROPHECY In his poem called "Europe," which is a prophecy about you, William Blake said: "Then Enitharmon woke, nor knew that she had slept, and eighteen hundred years were fled as if they had not been." Told in the form of a story, Blake used the name "Enitharmon"...

The Law And The Promise

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The Law And The Promise

A Prophecy

A PROPHECY In his poem called "Europe," which is a prophecy about you, William Blake said: "Then Enitharmon woke, nor knew that she had slept, and eighteen hundred years were fled as if they had not been." Told in the form of a story, Blake used the name...

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A Prophecy
The Law And The Promise

A Riddle

A RIDDLE Tonight I will call this, "A Riddle," for every creative mind rises to the challenge of a riddle. Now a riddle is defined in the dictionary as "an imperial object or person; that which is difficult to understand." It is also "a sieve to separate the chaff...

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A Riddle
The Law And The Promise

All Powerful Human Word

ALL POWERFUL HUMAN WORDS Moses said: “Show me Thy glory; and the Lord said, I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover your face with my hand until I have passed by. Then I will take away my hand, and you shall see my back; but my face shall not be...

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All Powerful Human Word
The Law And The Promise

Before Abraham was I AM

BEFORE ABRAHAM, WAS I AM The drama tonight opens to the 8th chapter of the Book of John, where the evangelist writes of the state into which he has entered, saying: "Truly, truly I say to you, before Abraham, was I am." The Bible is a recordation of the eternal...

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Before Abraham was I AM
The Law And The Promise

Biblical Language

BIBLICAL LANGUAGE "All are Men in Eternity. Rivers, Mountains, Cities, Villages, All are Human, and when You enter into Their Bosoms, You walk in Heavens and Earths; Just as in Your Own Bosom You bear Your Heaven And Earth, and all that You behold, though it...

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Biblical Language
The Law And The Promise

Blake On Religion

BLAKE ON RELIGION When you are discussing Blake you are discussing one of the greatest spiritual giants of all time. You might just as well discuss St. Paul, for they had the identical visions, the vision of reality. Tonight we can cover only a portion of his gift...

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Blake On Religion
The Law And The Promise

Building Your Temple

BUILDING YOUR TEMPLE William Blake, in his poem “The Four Zoas: a Dream of Nine Nights,” tells of God’s fall into division and his resurrection to unity - his fall into generation, decay, and death and his resurrection into the unity of the one Father. Associating...

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Building Your Temple
The Law And The Promise

Eternity Within

ETERNITY WITHIN Tonight’s subject is a mystery to be known only by revelation. It is a secret that has been kept hidden from the beginning of time. Where there is no mystery, where there is no end from the beginning there is no challenge, no place for imagination...

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Eternity Within
The Law And The Promise

Fourfold Vision

FOURFOLD VISION William Blake once wrote these words to his friend, Thomas Butts: "Now I a fourfold vision see, And a fourfold vision is given to me: 'Tis fourfold in my supreme delight And threefold in soft Beulah's night And twofold always, may God us keep From...

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Fourfold Vision

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