Neville Teachings



What do you do when you tried to manifest something and nothing happens? Maybe, you’ve been diligently practising revision every night in an effort to achieve your desired outcome. But instead of manifesting your goal, things just appear to get worse.You want to quit, you feel like giving up. You’ve invested time and mental effort imagining your wish fulfilled and “still no improvement” you say. On top of that, your inner critic buoyed by your perceived delay, is now rampant, trying to convince you to abandon this “imagination stuff”. Not getting our desired outcome sucks, and if your currently practising the Law of Assumption and are experiencing some frustrations and setbacks then read on.

Failure, seems to be the taboo topic for most vloggers, bloggers and influencers. It’s the one subject that seems to be avoided by all those supposed “self help experts“. However part of the process of becoming proficient in creative imaging means, at some point in time you are certainly going to experience failure. However, in my attempt to encourage everyone to embrace and awaken the potential of their imagination I feel compelled to address the subject, and more importantly share my experiences in how I dealt with, and overcame failure in the past. You see your ability to bounce back and go again after your setbacks is key to ultimately achieving growth and success.

“My many own failures would convict me were I to imply that I have completely mastered the movements of my attention. But I can , with the ancient teacher, say:

“this one thing I do , forgetting those things that are behind and reaching forth unto those things that are before , i press toward the mark for the prize”  Neville Goddard 1948 Classroom Series

I always advocate the practical aspect of Neville teachings, As paradoxical as it may seem, I believe it’s through practice and making mistakes that you actually make the most progress. Standing aside and just studying will only ever give you an academic grasp of your own true potential, Only by immersing into the practical aspect of the Law, will you gain true understanding. On reflection I believe that my experiences of failed attempts to manifest things in the past, have taught me so much more than my successes.

“we get to know things we are attempting to master only by doing them. The steps to mastery lead up a long hill replete with obstacles , and each met and overcome increases your understanding” U.S .Andersen


“But Strangely enough it may not be severe but I will pass through certain trials certain heartbreaks, certain delays that I can’t quite understand, but these when I reach the end and the end comes suddenly upon me and my wish is fulfilled I will see it was all in order….. everything was in order ” Neville Goddard

A few years ago, I’d been “trying” to manifest a particular AMG Mercedes. Pumped up with enthusiasm I’d been visualising driving my dream ride for about 6 months. I recall opening the email in my inbox saying that the finance for my car had been approved. However my joy was short-lived, you see just when I thought I had the car sorted out the finance company called a week later and said something had come up on my credit file and that The finance offer was being withdrawn. I wasn’t going to get the dream car after all . I was gutted this isn’t meant to happen I thought , “what the f@#k,” Why was my car suddenly being taken from me , I thought this is not how the manifesting thing works. Instantly I began to question the credibility of this law and Immediately the whispers of doubt began to run amok in my head. Coincidently that same evening It was my turn to help my son with his Maths home work. So we sat down together and began to go over the simultaneous equations that he’d been practicing that week. Once he was clear on what to do, off he went to tackle his latest homework assignment.

Thirty minutes later he returned, looking perplexed and disappointed “Dad I only got 60% right, what went wrong?” he asked.. I said don’t worry about it , lets sit down and go through it together. Now notice, the questions he got wrong, didn’t give him permission to abandon “simultaneous equations” altogether. The formulas and process taught by his teacher weren’t incorrect, I mean simultaneous equations have been tried and tested for centuries, right? No doubt the error lay in his application. This was irrefutable because he was working with a proven mathematical concept. As we went through the incorrect answers, further investigation revealed, the mistakes were made by my son.

Instantly at that moment my awareness shifted I said to myself “Michael there’s a powerful lesson to be learnt here.” Just Like your son, you too have been studying a principle, a Law of Consciousness, and just like simultaneous equations, it’s also a principle that’s been tried and tested for thousands of years. Its safe to say you have a full comprehension of how it works. You’ve also had a number of successes in the past, so if there is a “failure” in your recent efforts to acquire your dream car,( if that what you want to call it), then just as was the case with my son’s homework episode, an error must lay in the application of the student, not the principle.

Now here’s another consideration, immediately after my son realised he’d got the wrong answers, he wanted to go through the questions and try again. Never once did he doubt the principles, at no time did he consider abandoning simultaneous equations because “they just don’t work !”. No believing whole heartedly in this mathematical concept, he realised the error must lay with himself and if he tried again he would eventually get it right!. And so I thought to myself I should be adopting the same attitude.

So often when novices new to the concept of the law of assumption, try to manifest something and it doesn’t work out the first time, their default reaction is to question whether the principle itself has any credibility. And because these concepts are abstract and have no foundation in reason and logic, its so easy for the rational thinker to abandon it as quackery!

If you’ve recently had a setback in your efforts to manifest a desire then first ask yourself this important question “do I really believe that Imaging Creates Reality?” If your answer is yes, if you truly believe in this foundation principle, then start some proper introspection. Honest reflection on your recent efforts will more than likely reveal an error in your application. Once you’ve done this, don’t dwell upon it simply go back and continue imagining your wish fulfilled.

And that’s precisely what I done in my own dream car scenario. Despite the perceived set back I bounced back and continued to imagine that it was mine. Not surprisingly, it was another four months later that it eventually manifested, but the greatest thing is that it came in the most serendipitous way. It wasn’t financed but came to me through a route that even I could not have logically devised. And just as Neville said in the above quote, I realised that the earlier disappointment I had when the finance company cancelled my offer was actually a blessing in disguise!


So many who are new to these spiritual concepts, the moment they encounter obstacles and set backs are quick to dismiss the credibility of this law. This is especially true if things don’t follow the route of a logical sequence “I knew it was too good to be true” they lament. Unfortunately they abandon the processes and return back to the ego orientated mindset, that actually believe it or not created their problems in the first place.

Western education has conditioned us to be linear thinkers, we get an over all understanding of something by examining it piece by piece. Imagination, feeling and intuition is largely ignored. The linear method of thinking, while proven effective in fields such as western medicine, science and engineering, is certainly not the only or even the best approach to be used by an individual in trying to improve their life.

While a rational mindset can give you somethings, imagination can give you everything! And if your desire is to untap this limitless potential, you cant surrender your divine power to rational thoughts.

“The fact that it does not feel natural to you, to be what you imagine yourself to be, is the secret of your failure ” Neville Goddard

Often when we think we failed our confidence is damaged and as I said before, feel like turning back and abandoning the endeavour to manifest that big massive goal. But what does this do really? If you turn away from the only true creative power in the universe, you’ll damage your self esteem and confidence and also undermine your faith. Every time you turn from your imagination and try some other means of fixing you problems, you are effectively turning to a “false god” and denying your inherent divinity,

Also the longer you remain in the unwanted state you begin to feel frustrated, discouraged and even angry with yourself as the feeling of helplessness begins to return. I want to remind you that how the expression of your desire comes about is not determined by the ego you. As was the case just like the case in my car situation, my imagination had already defined a way for me getting my car.


Every desire that you can imagine can be yours , no matter how long you have stalled and hesitated, the being within is always there, ready to puts its plan in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this, by simply acquiescing to it rather than fighting it. Nurture every desire by sustaining that inner vision with faith and patience, but never try to micromanage every detail along the way. Even in moments of “disappointment ” you can derive valuable lessons because its often just after these testing events and setbacks that the breakthrough happens.


Mystic M

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