5 Power Benefits Of Going Into The Silence

by Jun 12, 2020Neville Teachings0 comments

Going into the silence





The practice of stopping internal dialogue allows one to concentrate intensely and avoid needless analysis. When desired going into the silence teaches one how to focus as well as have control over the mind and body.

Your wonderful human imagination when trained and conditioned can bring about any manifestation you desire. Now there are many law of attraction teachers and gurus who advocate numerous other techniques. From vision boards, mantras to affirmations and scripting the list goes on. I’m not dismissing any of the afore mentioned, however in my extensive years of trial and  error I found them inconsistent at best.

Without doubt the most effective powerful yet simple technique is the one taught by Neville Goddard; The Law of Assumption. What really surprised me was that this technique had been taught in the Bible thousands of years ago, but it was hidden in allegory and symbolism. Its Neville’s knowledge and psychological interpretation of scripture that enabled him to reveal these powerful hidden methods of the ancient mystics.

Visualise First Person

Now there is a powerful yet subtle difference when it comes to visualization using Neville Goddard technique. Now consider this in your day to day living you see everything from a 1st person perspective, and here we are encouraged by Neville to visualise in the same way.

Often before I discovered his techniques I would visualise myself in the action as if I were watching myself on a TV screen. I assure you when you go into the silence and visualize as Neville taught from a first person the experience is far more immersive.

It actually feels more real ; remember the brain doesn’t know the difference between what you can see with your two eyes and what your imagining. If you don’t believe me ask yourself this. Have you ever had a nightmare that felt so real you woke up in a cold sweat? And those dreams are never in the third person are they? Below illustrates the right and wrong way you should be visualizing if you trying to see yourself driving a car.

Into the silence

It actually feels more real ; remember the brain doesn’t know the difference between what you can see with your two eyes and what your imagining. If you don’t believe me ,ask yourself this. Have you ever had a nightmare that felt so real you woke up in a cold sweat? The experiences seemed so life like that you manifested real physical symptoms such as cold sweats and palpations Dreams are never in the third person are they? Below illustrates the right and wrong way you should be visualising.

Feeling is Vital

Neville continuously stressed the importance of touch when he taught this method . The ancient mystics referred to this as the Western Gate.


Inside Sense man

Take a look at the above  image. It’s an image of Homunculus otherwise known as the little inside man. Now this image represents a sensory map of our body. It is a depiction of what our body parts would look like ,if our parts grew into proportion of how we sense with them. This figure illustrates the significance and importance of touch. His hands are enormous because most of our sensory input comes from touch. So you see when we imagine something and add the sense of touch into the scene the sensory input on the brain is far more enhanced than if we imagined say a smell. In his 1948 lecture Lesson 1 Consciousness Is The Only Reality Neville r goes on to explain this beautifully .He decodes the psychological interpretation of this technique in the popular Biblical story of Jacob and Esau. The ancient mystics used this  allegory to instruct us how to impress the subconscious with any desire we may want to materialise. When we go into the silence we learn to harness the power of the subconscious mind.

Assumption Literally Creates Reality

Quantum Physics, the most accurate science in human history,  tells us that mind and matter are interlinked. The Observer effects what he observes. The subjective truly effects our external objective world thus our thoughts, imagination and assumptions literally influence the photons and electrons which make up matter! If this seems a little far fetched then I invite you to read about the Observer effect.

Neville relentlessly reminded us that persistent assumption hardens into fact. When we go into the silence we disengage from the stimuli of our five senses and we are able to create an internal condition that reflects our desire ,by continuing to assume this state we then start to effect our external world, literally!

When You Go Into The Silence Construct A Scene

Often when we try to visualize something that totally counters our current state, the logical process or our thinking can be easily sabotaged us. The negative emotion perhaps attached to the current state can be quite overbearing.

Neville Goddard’s Instruction is subtle but extremely powerful. He tells us to go beyond the problem, by moving beyond the situation any negative emotion is released.
Perhaps your going for a job interview whenever you try to imagine the interview going well, your suddenly racked with nervous trepidation.

Neville instructs us to go into the silence far beyond the day. For example you could imagine your heading to a meeting that only someone who held that position would have. Perhaps going to a meeting with staff members that only that job would allow.You see by creating this totally unrelated scene the assumption has been made you got the job that you applied for. Pretty smart ayy?

When you go into the silence  and enter into a scene way beyond ,  that assumes you were successful in your desires , your able to go into this state of imagining without any anxiety attached.This is the power of going into the silence.

Neville Goddard’s Law of Assumption has many nuances compared to the Law of Attraction. They are slight but extremely powerful and effective. If you are not familiar with his teachings then I encourage you to start with his book Feeling Is The Secret which a perfect introduction to this  Mystics  marvelous work.

Now let’s go into the silence. ..




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