What Is The 55×5 Manifestation Method And How Can It Change your Life?

What Is The 55x5 Manifestation Method Did you know that whatever you are thinking now is creating your future? Yes , it's true ,you create your life through your thoughts and feelings. In fact your thinking never ceases , therefore what is your predominate thought or...

Top 35 Positive Affirmations For Men

Positive Affirmations for Men Positive Affirmations for men are one of the most popular personal development tools around. But take care to utilize them correctly as they can be the least effective tool. Why? Because your subconscious mind will resist statements like...

What Are Affirmations? The Affirmation Synonyms That Can Transform Your Life.

One word that is trending in self help and Law of Attraction circles is the word affirmations. The use of affirmations are as old as the spoken word. For example in the Bible the old testament is full of I AM statements and affirmation synonyms . More about that...


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Top 35 Positive Affirmations For Men

Positive Affirmations for Men Positive Affirmations for men are one of the most popular personal development tools around. But take care to utilize them correctly as they can be the least effective tool. Why? Because your subconscious mind will resist statements...

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