Family Portrait

FAMILY PORTRAIT Tonight's title is: the “Family Portrait.” Thirty-odd years ago a play appeared on Broadway called the “Family Portrait.” It was a study of Jesus, and starred Margaret Webster and Judith Anderson. They played the parts of Mary Magdalene and Mary the...

Your Supreme Dominion

YOUR SUPREME DOMINION As you have been told, this morning's subject is "Your Supreme Dominion". As a man does not possess it or he does not know that he possesses it for he certainly is not exercising it. As we read in the very first chapter of the Book of Genesis,...

Your Husband

YOUR HUSBAND Probably one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible is recorded in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, the 16th verse: “The Lord said to the woman, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be...

You Must Experience God-1971

YOU MUST EXPERIENCE GOD God is known by experience or not at all. I have experienced God. I can no more deny it than I can the humblest evidence of my senses; so I feel qualified to tell you how you are going to experience God. There is only God in the world. When you...

You Must experience God

YOU MUST EXPERIENCE GOD God is known by experience or not at all. I have experienced God. I can no more deny it than I can the humblest evidence of my senses, so I feel qualified to tell you how you are going to experience God. There is only God in the world. When you...

Who Paul Really Is

WHO PAUL REALLY IS If tonight I had a wish for you, I could not think of anything greater than to wish that you would now experience the story of Paul. I do not know if you have ever asked yourself, “Who is Paul?” Paul is not mentioned in any non-Biblical work of the...

Who Is The Son Of Man

WHO IS THE SON OF MAN Tonight’s subject is “Who Is The Son of Man?” In the 16th chapter of the book of Matthew the question is asked of the Disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” and they answered, “Some say, ‘John the Baptist’ come again, others say,...

Who Is The Real Messiah

WHO IS THE REAL MESSIAH It is in us as persons that God is revealed. “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ,” [Philippians 1:6]. To say “Jesus Christ” is the same as saying “Jehovah’s Messiah.” Christ is Messiah. This...

Who Am I 2

WHO AM I? You’ll find this an interesting series, for so much has happened since we were here a year and almost 10 months ago, so we have to incorporate all the things that have happened, those I’ve met across the country, and those who come to the lectures in L.A....

Who Am I 1

WHO AM I? “Every generated body in its inward form is a garden of delight and a building of magnificence. Travelers from Eternity pass outward to bodies of flesh and blood and forgetfulness, but travelers to Eternity pass inward to the Father and Remembrance.”...

Where Is Golgotha

WHERE IS GOLGOTHA? (Good Friday) three days: today, the death of God, and then the burial of God, and then the Resurrection of God. And when you read it, you may think it is referring to someone outside of yourself. If I use the word God or the word Christ ,...

What Is Truth 2

WHAT IS TRUTH? Tonight’s subject is: “What Is Truth?” The Bible is the revelation of eternal truth, written without regard for secular history. “It is not concerned with secular history.” This is the world into which you and I were sent – all of us – for a divine...

What Is Truth 1

WHAT IS TRUTH? Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism, the fulfillment of all that was prophesied in the Old Testament. This week the Christian world celebrates Passover, the triumphal march into Jerusalem - the trial, the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection....

Truth, The Word Of God

TRUTH, THE WORD OF GOD If truth could ever be told so that it is understood, it will be believed. It is my hope that I can make the truth of scripture so understandable you will believe it. But whether you do or not, one day you will; for scripture will fulfill itself...

The Truth of Christ is Here

THE TRUTH OF CHRIST IS HERE There is something in this changing, changing world that never changes, and Scripture refers to that which never changes as Truth, So, Paul said, “The Truth of Christ is here.” Now he defines Christ as “the power of God and the wisdom of...

The Tree Of Life

THE TREE OF LIFE Our evangelists, the unknown authors of the gospels, knew that people understood best what they could see in picture form, so they told God's plan of redemption in the form of a tale that it could be seen and not forgotten. They knew the risk they...

The Story Of Judas

THE STORY OF JUDAS We tell you here that we believe you can be what you want to be in this world and that it is my purpose to tell you. If I have moments in my life I regret it, not in the sense of a change of mind as in the word repent, still I must tell you. I may...

The State Of Vision

THE STATE OF VISION "We have only to raise Imagination to the state of Vision and the thing is done." (William Blake) Just imagine it! That is all you and I are required to do. No matter what it is we desire, we have only to raise imagination to the state of vision,...

The Sin Against The Holy Spirit

THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT Tonight we have as our subject: “The Sin Against the Holy Spirit.” Undoubtedly you have heard unnumbered concepts of this statement from scripture. The most common interpretation is the violation of the sex act. But that is not my...

The Signs Of The End-1968

THE SIGNS OF THE END Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed. But to unravel from the truth of Scripture, the interpretations placed upon it is really quite a task, for people think in terms of the end of the world when they think of the...

The Signs Of The End-1967

The Signs Of The End Tonight’s subject is: The Signs of the End. We are told that as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to him privately saying, “What will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” This is a long chapter. You read it in...

The Shaping of The Unbegotten

THE SHAPING OF THE UNBEGOTTEN We are told in Paul’s letters to the Ephesians (5:1): “Be imitators of God as dear children.” So, we must find out what God did. We are told: “He called a thing not seen as though it were and the unseen became seen.” (Romans 4:17) The one...

The Second Vision

THE SECOND VISION We make the statement with Blake that, “All that you behold, though it appears to be without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” I mean that literally. The whole of humanity is contained in you, for...

The Roll Of The Book

THE ROLL OF THE BOOK David, speaking to us in the 40th Psalm, says: “Lo, I come to do thy will, O Lord, for in the roll of the book it is written of me.” And in 5th chapter of the Book of John these words are found on the lips of one called Jesus Christ: “You search...

The Promised Fulfilled

THE PROMISE FULFILLED Tonight’s subject is “The Promise Fulfilled.” Now, here we are gathered together, and I daresay if I asked anyone here, including myself, the speaker: Are we really known in the world? I think we would all admit, “Only to a very small circle, our...

The Promise Explained

THE PROMISE EXPLAINED The Bible tells the story of a promise – of a dream that existed two thousand years only in the imagination of Israel, and when their dream came true, Israel did not recognize their own harvest, and rejected their own harvest – denied it, for...

The Power And The Wisdom

THE POWER AND THE WISDOM Wisdom is revealed truth, which cannot be logically proven. Knowledge is science; you can prove it. You can prove the theory that you had concerning going to the moon; that can be proved. Einstein’s theories – they were theories, but in time...


THE PERFECT IMAGE "He is our peace, who will make us both one by breaking down the wall of hostility, that he may create in himself one new man in place of the two, so bringing peace.” This being of peace is a person, not a doctrine or philosophy. He is a person who...

The Pattern Of Scripture Is Real

THE PATTERN OF SCRIPTURE IS REAL Paul tells us that whatever was written in former times was written for our instruction. When he speaks of things “written in former time,” he means only the Old Testament. He quotes no other book. He doesn’t quote Plato, the Vedas,...

The Pattern Man-1968

THE PATTERN MAN The Bible is a mystery, to be known only by revelation. You can sit down and think about it and rationalize from now to the ends of time, if it is not revealed in you, you will not know it. And the majority of the teachers of the world take the...

The Pattern Man

THE PATTERN MAN Tonight’s subject is, “The Pattern Man.” Paul, in his final letter to Timothy – when he felt that he was about to depart this world, he wrote Timothy, and he said, “Follow the pattern of the sound words which you have heard from me. Guard the truth...

The Only Christianity

THE ONLY CHRISTIANITY Here we believe firmly that Imagining is God; that the Supreme Power of the Universe is one with human Imaging. So, when you read the Bible – a fabulous, inspired book – and you come to the word “God” you can also use the word “Imagining” and you...

The Nature Of God

THE NATURE OF GOD To think of the Bible's events as historical, and the characters recorded there as persons such as you and I, is to see truth tempered to the weakness of the human form, unable to stand the strong light of revelation. But I tell you: it is in us, as...

The Mystery Of Life

THE MYSTERY OF LIFE The words of one in whom the great mystery of life unfolded, are enigmatic. And the evangelist who wrote the gospels, kept that great mystery as it was told. In the 17th chapter of the Book of John, he is speaking to God the Father, the depth of...

The Mystery Of Baptism

THE MYSTERY OF BAPTISM Baptism on this level is a symbolic representation of being raised to the realization of being God the Father. In his letter, Paul tells the Ephesians that there is only one baptism. This occurs prior to the realization of being God the Father....

The Mystery Called Christ

THE MYSTERY CALLED CHRIST In the letters of Blake, there is one where he wrote to the Reverend Trusler – the Reverend Dr. Trusler, who had criticized him for his works, and said to Blake, “You need someone to elucidate your works.” So, Blake wrote him and said, “You...

The Morning Star

THE MORNING STAR Tonight is a bit of a riddle, but you listen carefully, for it’s very, very important. It is “The Morning Star,” a promise made to man. “He who conquers ... I will give him the morning star.” (Revelation 2:26, 28 RSV1) Then, in a realization of this...

The Miraculous Child

THE MIRACULOUS CHILD Tonight’s subject is “The Miraculous Child.” This child will not appear to the world, for they are so fixed in their misconceptions of Scripture, and there is no dead weight so heavy. But tonight I wish you would pay special attention, as I want...

The Light Of The World

THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD In all the revelations which await you, there is none so fundamental as the revelation of Jesus Christ. He cannot be known outwardly, but must unveil himself from within. This experience will be yours when your immortal eyes are opened inward,...

The Last Days

THE LAST DAYS Man thinks history is moving towards an inevitable climax of good, but that climax has already occurred and [is] recorded in the New Testament in the words: “It is finished.” So when I speak of the last days, I am referring to definite events which will...

The Incarnate Revelation

THE INCARNATE REVELATION Recently I read a book called, Vanished Parts of Yesterday, by Lord Frederick Hamilton. In it he tells the story of Catherine the Great - who, when she found the first violet of spring, ordered a sentry to be placed over it to protect it from...

The Hidden Secret Of God

THE HIDDEN SECRET OF GOD The mysteries of God are mysterious in character, yet they are proclaimed to all who can understand them. Paul, in his letter to the Corinthians – the first letter, you read this in the 2nd chapter of I Corinthians. He is telling them a story...

The Heart Of The Dreamer

THE HEART OF THE DREAMER The Christian world calls this the season of Advent; the coming of the great event or person; the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course Paul, in his letter to the Galatians doesn’t condemn it, but wonders if they really got the message,...

The Fourfold Gospel

THE FOURFOLD GOSPEL As you know, and I think you do, the Bible is a mystery. A mystery to be known only by revelation. As I told you in the past, a mystery is not a matter to be kept secret but a truth which is mysterious in character. The four Gospels are the flower...

The Gospel

THE GOSPEL When you hear the word “gospel” you usually think in terms of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but tonight I want to introduce you to the gospel as found in the letters of Paul. Listen to these words carefully: “I am astonished that you are so quickly...

The Forming Of Christ In You

THE FORMING OF CHRIST IN YOU That which is profoundly spiritual is in reality most directly practical. Tonight I will tell you a story from scripture which is profoundly spiritual. It is misunderstood in the world, but I know its inner meaning and will show you how...

The Father

THE FATHER The Bible begins with Abram, a character whose name means “exalted father.” Abram was placed in a profound sleep, told of the trials and tribulations he would pass through, and the length of time which he would suffer. Then the Lord God said to him: “Behold...

The Dweller On The Threshold

THE DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD Only that which has no right to live must die, and only that which has no right to exist must be brought to an end. And that hasn’t a thing to do with any child born of woman, or any flower that ever bloomed. It’s something entirely...

The Divine Body

THE DIVINE BODY Tonight’s subject is “The Divine Body.” The Bible speaks of two bodies, one belonging to this age and one belonging to That Age. It speaks of the body of this age as flesh and blood, and it speaks of the body of That Age as the body of Spirit. Blake...

The Cup Of Experience

THE CUP OF EXPERIENCE All things exist in the human imagination, and I mean that literally. No one can know of imagination who has not tasted the cup of experience! In the Psalms we are told that in the hand of the Lord there is a cup that is bubbling over with wine...

The Crucifixion

THE CRUCIFIXION The crucifixion is the history of man. Our human history begins with birth and ends with death. In Divine history it begins with death and ends with birth. There is a complete reversal of these histories. Here we begin in the womb and end in the tomb:...

The Core Of Man

THE CORE OF MAN The last chapter of William Blake's poem, "Jerusalem," (Plate 77), is addressed to the Christians. In it he says: "Devils are false religions. I know of no other Christianity and no other gospel, than the liberty both of body and mind to exercise the...

The Birth of the Babe

THE BIRTH OF THE BABE When I left two months ago I asked you to join in testing with me what I have heard and told you, but now I can say as did Job (42:5) “I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eyes seeth thee.” Tonight as I stand here I can...

The Bible’s Mystery

THE BIBLE'S MYSTERY Think of this fabulous world as a play filled with horrors, violence, and fear, from which there seems to be no escape. Then think of the play as coming to its end as one man is called, incorporated into the body of the play’s author and sent back...

The Bible – Your Biography

THE BIBLE – YOUR BIOGRAPHY When I tell you, the Bible is your biography, I am actually saying that you are God, and I mean it. We are told in the 82nd Psalm: “I say, ‘You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you; nevertheless, you shall die like men, and fall like...

The Battle Of Armageddon

THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON Your true environment is in your imagination! All that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination - of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. No matter what is taking place on the outside, it is but a...

The Art Of Dying

THE ART OF DYING If you are with us for the first time, this is what we believe and teach here. We firmly believe that you, the individual, can realize your every dream, and the reason is that God and man are one. We believe that the difference is not in the mentality...

Sons Of The Most High

SONS OF THE MOST HIGH President Hoover, a man who began his life here on earth in the state of poverty, yet rose to the highest office in our land made this statement at a convention in San Francisco: “Human history, with its forms of governments, its revolutions, its...

Signs From Above

SIGNS FROM ABOVE The evangelists of scripture, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, are anonymous names of men who wrote salvation history. They introduced characters who never walked this earth, but whose names are significant. In the Book of John, we find the story of...

Self In Self And Risen

SELF IN SELF AND RISEN The earliest Christian creeds were drama, and not metaphysics or abstract doctrines. It was the descent of God into a world of death – eternal death, and then the rising of God into the world of Eternal Life. That was the earliest Christian...

Self Abandonment

SELF ABANDONMENT Week after week, as I take this platform, I know what I want to say. It is merely finding out how to say it so that it is intelligible, for we are dealing with a mystery. It’s not something you can spell out and say – “Now this is it.” It’s a peculiar...

Seeing Christ Through The Eyes Of Paul

SEEING CHRIST THROUGH THE EYES OF PAUL Tonight's subject is very, very practical, yet profoundly spiritual, for we are going to search for the cause of the phenomena of life called in scripture, "the Father”. So come with me and let me show you Jesus Christ, the...

Salvation History

SALVATION HISTORY It is God's purpose to give himself to you as though there were no other! And when He does, it will not be you and God, but you as God! Although it seems impossible for the God who created the universe and all within it, to give himself to one who is...

Salvation History – Not Secular

SALVATION HISTORY – NOT SECULAR When we open the Bible, we are looking, not at secular history, but salvation history. Man, not knowing that, has misinterpreted most of the great truths of Scripture. They are all mysteries, and these mysteries are not matters to be...

Revelation Of Purpose

REVELATION OF PURPOSE Today we read: “I say, You are gods, sons of the Most High, all of you, nevertheless, you will die like men.” (Psalm 82:1) Does this not imply that you are not men? If you are men when addressed, then the sentence, “You will die like men,” is...

Revealed Truth

REVEALED TRUTH When the Rev. Dr. Trusler criticized Blake, saying he needed someone to elucidate his ideas, Blake replied: “You ought to know that what is grand is necessarily obscure to the weak. You also ought to know that what can be made explicit to the idiot is...


REDEMPTION We are told in Paul's letter to the Romans that this world is a world of sorrow. Then he gives us the reason and the glorious end it produces, saying: "I consider the sufferings of this present time not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed in...


RECONCILIATION If I told you who you really are it would shock you, for in this world you can be frightened, limited, and filled with doubt; yet I tell you that you are God himself, the very one who created and sustains the universe. When you first hear this you will...

Prophetic Sketches 1968

PROPHETIC SKETCHES The Old Testament is a prophetic blueprint of the life of Jesus, and Jesus is the true identity of every child born of woman. Prophecy is over. What people call prophecy today is simply a little nonsense called fortune telling. You can use all the...

Prophetic Sketches 1967

PROPHETIC SKETCHES The stories recorded in the Bible are prophetic sketches of events predestined to take place in the individual you! We are told in the seventh chapter of John: “We know where this man comes from, yet we are told that when the Christ appears no one...


PRE-EXISTENCE Tonight’s subject is: Pre-Existence. For every child born of woman, there is a “son” of God in the heavens, who is his ancestral Self. He is buried in you. He is the Reality of man. The Bible speaks of this “son” as Jesus Christ, the true identity of...

Predestined Glory

PREDESTINED GLORY Tonight’s subject is: “Predestined Glory” In the Epistle to the Hebrews, the author speaks of God as “bringing many sons unto glory.” (Hebrews 2:10) What is “bringing many sons unto glory”? Well, if you read the Scriptures carefully, you will see...

Paul’s Prayer Interpreted

PAUL’S PRAYER INTERPRETED About fifteen or maybe twenty years ago, I heard the Archbishop of Canterbury speak at Trinity Church in New York City, which is at the head of Wall Street. That is, I heard him and saw him on TV; I did not attend the service. And he took as...

Paul’s Autobiography

PAUL’S AUTOBIOGRAPHY Paul is the greatest and most influential figure in the history of Christianity. After you hear his story you may judge just who he is. After his credentials have gained him public confidence, Paul begins. Paul wrote 13 letters, if you take the...

One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Days

ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED SIXTY DAYS According to a rabbinical principle, what is not written in the Old Testament does not exist. The life of Jesus follows this principle. He made no attempt to change the world of Caesar or its social order, but left it just as it is,...

Neville’s Purpose Revealed

NEVILLE’S PURPOSE REVEALED When purpose is revealed, all falls into place. The revelation of purpose gives meaning to everything, and there is a purpose in this wonderful, vast creation of God. Paul said: “He has made known unto us . . . . the mystery of His will,...


MOSES – ELIJAH – JESUS In Biblical language a man’s name reveals his character. His name is an expression of this essential nature of the bearer. As I have said in the past, these characters are not persons; they are eternal states, spiritual states, through which the...

Love Endureth

LOVE ENDURETH Tonight’s subject is “Love Endureth” We are told, “He who has not loved does not know God, for God is love.” This is not a conclusion that the prophet reached after years of philosophic study, but an act of God in self-revelation. If God never revealed...

Judas The Revealer

JUDAS THE REVEALER Judas, the one in scripture who is the most condemned, is the true revealer of Christ. We call him Judas, but Judas and Judah are one. In biblical thought, a man’s name reveals his character. The full significance of the name is understood only when...

Jesus Christ

JESUS CHRIST Although only a few are teaching this wonderful principle at the present time, many others will follow; and because the Christian world believes in a man, this question will be asked over and over: “Do you not believe that a man called Jesus Christ walked...

Jeremiah’s Discovery

JEREMIAH'S DISCOVERY The body of scripture is the Word of God, which every child born of woman must hear, assimilate, understand, and fully accept. This belief will cause the Word to erupt within him, and as he experiences God's Word, he discovers who he really is....

His To Give, Yours To Receive

HIS TO GIVE; YOURS TO RECEIVE Now, we are told that Jehovah brought his people out of Egypt “with signs and wonders.” All these signs and wonders are in the story of Jesus. We are told that Jesus is the representative of humanity. Take just one story, the story of...

His Purpose

HIS PURPOSE Tonight’s subject is: “His Purpose.” When purpose is revealed, everything falls into place, so the revelation of purpose gives meaning to the existence of life. There is a purpose behind it all. It may not seem so, judging from this level, but there is a...

He’s Dreaming Now

HE IS DREAMING NOW Tonight’s title is: “He Is Dreaming Now.” God’s name – His real presence – is within us, in the very midst of us, for His real presence is concentrated in His name. “Come, let us go and look at him,” said the brothers, and each took one of Alice’s...

He Wakes In Me

HE WAKES IN ME Tonight’s subject is “He Wakes in Me”. I should say “he wakes in us”. Who is he? The Lord Jesus Christ who is crucified in us. He was never crucified on anything outside of man, and because he was crucified in us, he must rise in us. Paul said: “I have...

He is My Resurrection

HE IS MY RESURRECTION The gospel, which appears to be a little secular story, is truly a mystery to be known only by revelation. In the 16th chapter of John we are told: “I came out from the Father and came into the world. Again, I leave the world and I return to the...

He Dreams In Me

HE DREAMS IN ME The Old Testament calls upon God to awake, saying: "Rouse thyself! Why sleepest thou, O Lord? Awake! Do not cast us off forever! Having hurled Himself into time/space, God is dreaming he is man and sees Himself as enslaved and cast off. But in the New...

Good Friday

GOOD FRIDAY - EASTER Lecture by Neville (Circa 1954 – Edited by Jan McKee) You know the story of Good Friday. A man is in a garden. It’s night time. And one called Judas comes in search of him, seemingly to betray him. He comes into the garden, and it’s dark, so he...

Gods Promise To Man

GOD’S PROMISE TO MAN This is one of the most difficult subjects I have to tell. Had I not experienced it I wouldn’t dare attempt it. God’s promise is true; he who promised it is faithful, and is being fulfilled in every being in this world and the unnumbered beings to...

Gods Plan Of Redemption 2

GOD’SPLAN OF REDEMPTION There is something in this changing, changing world that never changes, and Scripture refers to that which never changes as Truth, So, Paul said, “The Truth of Christ is here.” Now he defines Christ as “the power of God and the wisdom of God.”...

Gods Plan Of Redemption 1

GODS PLAN OF REDEMPTION God's plan of redemption for us is the most incredible, exciting, and amazing story ever told It is the story of the creator of the universe, who so loved us he became us; and how he is transforming us into himself, so that we are no longer the...

Gods Dwelling Place

GOD’S DWELLING PLACE “Why stand we here trembling all around calling on God for help and not ourselves in whom God dwells?” God does not dwell in us as something other than ourselves, for God actually became as we are, that one day we may be as He is. I tell you: you...

Gods Almighty Power

GOD’S ALMIGHTY POWER God's almighty power and wisdom expresses itself most characteristically in the acceptance of what the world calls weakness or foolishness. Matthew tells the story of one who - Knowing himself to be the personification of God's creative power and...

God Became Man

GOD BECAME MAN You are told that God became man that man may become God. You may think you are the man that God, as another, became, but I tell you: you are the God who became man, that man may become you! Because my visions which parallel scripture are accurate, I...

Fulfillment Of Gods Plan

FULFILLMENT OF GOD’S PLAN Class Lecture by Neville Edited by Jan McKee I think you’re all aware that this is the most dramatic week in Christendom and yet I dare say that not an nth part of one percent of those who call themselves Christians really understand what it...


FREEDOM When asked: "What is the greatest of all the commandments?" God answered: "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." Accept this commandment! Live by it and you will be free from all secondary causes. There is only one God. He is the father of us all...

Follow The Pattern

FOLLOW THE PATTERN “Man is all Imagination and God is Man and exists in us and we in him. The eternal body of Man is the Imagination and that is God Himself.” (William Blake) We are told that the Bible is the word of God; therefore, if God and man are one, it must be...

Follow Me

FOLLOW ME We are told that when Jesus found Philip, he said: "Follow me." Then Philip told Nathanael: "We have found him of whom Moses and the law and the prophets wrote." Philip is one who is interested in the workings of the mind. Looking for one who is searching...

Faith Hope And Love

FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE Scripture makes the most profound statements in the world. You can believe them or reject them, but you will never know their truth until scripture is experienced. When it is once experienced, you can no more deny it than you can the humblest...

Experiencing Scripture

EXPERIENCING SCRIPTURE To unravel the mystery of Christ from all the interpretations put upon it is quite a difficult task. We are up against all kinds of misunderstandings of the mystery. Most people believe that it is secular history, and the story has something to...

Eternal States

ETERNAL STATES Sit quietly and ask yourself who you are, where you are and what you are. Your answers will reveal your state of consciousness: your body of belief. Paul said, “We do not look to the outer things, but to the things unseen, for the outer things are...

Eschatology The Drama Of The End

ESCHATOLOGY - THE DRAMA OF THE END The word “disciple” means “learner”, and anyone who hears God’s pattern of salvation from one who has experienced it and believes, hungering to learn more, is a disciple. Tradition tells us Peter, James, and John were disciples. No,...

Eschatology The Doctrine Of The End

ESCHATOLOGY - THE DOCTRINE OF THE END Eschatology is the doctrine of the last days. It is the dramatic end of human history and the beginning of eternal salvation. When you, an individual arrive at that point in time, human history and the appearance of the Son or man...

Enter The Dream

ENTER THE DREAM God only acts and is in existing beings or men. Embracing the fires of experience, God was consumed by the flames, rose from their ashes, and continues to rise as Jesus Christ, or Divine Imagination. Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some...

Divine Signs

DIVINE SIGNS Those raised in the Christian or Jewish faith are taught to believe that scripture is secular history. But I know that the story of Jesus, from his conception by the Holy Spirit to his ascension into heaven, is a sign rendered by God to those who will...

Consigned To Disobedience

CONSIGNED TO DISOBEDIENCE Paul asked the question, “Who are you, to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own Master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand.” Now, that whole drama takes place within...


CONCEPTION Tonight’s subject is on conception, both on this level and the highest level. The Bible is vision from beginning to end. Words such as Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Isaac are used, but their stories are visions. Jesus is the fulfillment of scripture, so when I...

Come o Blessed

COME, O BLESSED At times I discover that I take too much for granted. Just because I read scripture all day, I’m inclined to believe most people do - and they don’t. Yesterday a doctor who has been coming here for quite a while came to see me, and I realized that I...

Christmas – Man’s Birth As God

CHRISTMAS - MAN'S BIRTH AS GOD "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwells in us." (John 1) Our physical birth is God's incarnation, for incarnation signifies the assumption by a divine being of human...

Christ Unveiled

CHRIST UNVEILED Tonight’s subject is “Christ Unveiled.” That is quite a tall order, for we are told in Mark 13:21: “If anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is Christ!’ or ‘Look, there he is!’ do not believe it.” And I will endorse that one hundred percent. Listen to it...

Christ is Your Life

CHRIST IS YOUR LIFE This teaching is essentially a revelation of the Risen Christ. I am not speaking of the life of any man between his physical birth and death, but of the Christ who has risen in me and who rises in all. I have no mental image of a being outside of...

Christ in You

CHRIST IN YOU “Examine yourselves to see if you are holding to your faith. Test yourselves! Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?” Now, faith is not complete until through experiment it becomes experience! When you test the Christ in you and prove from...

Christ in Man

CHRIST IN MAN Christ is the reality, the God that is in Man. It is he who breaks down the dividing wall between himself and Man and makes of the two, one new Man. Is this all done on the other side of the veil, or is there something that we can do on this side of that...

Christ Bears Our Sins

CHRIST BEARS OUR SINS Peter tells us that Christ bears our sins in his body on the cross. And the prophet Isaiah said: "He takes our infirmities and bears our diseases." Who is this being who bears our sins, our infirmities, and our diseases? Christ! Our wonderful...

By Water And By Blood

BY WATER AND BY BLOOD My subject this morning is taken from the First Epistle of John. Now these twenty-one letters, or as we call them Epistles, are not really addressed to individuals or groups. They are mysteries, as is the entire Bible. Whether the Bible in the...

Awake o Sleeper 2

AWAKE, O SLEEPER Whenever you and I use our imagination unwittingly, we are asleep. We have to awake to God’s Law and His Promise. We are told in the very first chapter of Genesis, “And God said, Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees...

Awake o Sleeper 1

AWAKE, O SLEEPER The Bible is addressed to the Imagination - which is spiritual sensation - and only immediately to the understanding, or reason. In the fifth chapter of the Book of Ephesians we are told to: "Awake O sleeper and rise from the dead." Now, reason could...


ARISE When our great scientist, Dr. Robert Millikan was young and very poor he set a goal for himself. Condensing his dream of greatness and security into a simple statement, he silently repeated the thought over and over again. This he did until the feeling of...

An Assured Understanding

AN ASSURED UNDERSTANDING In Paul’s letter to the Colossians, he said: “I strive for you to have the riches of an assured understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery of Christ.” Now, you may think there is no mystery to Christ and believe as any Christian believes...

All That is Divine

ALL THAT IS DIVINE In the nature of things, it is impossible for any child born of woman to go unredeemed, for the moment he says, "I am," he is proclaiming all that is divine in his flesh. Therefore, God cannot cast away that which constitutes the "I" of man without...

A Parabolic Revelation

A PARABOLIC REVELATION It is in you as a person that the nature of God is revealed, for a scriptural episode is not a record of an historical event, but a parabolic revelation of truth. To see Jesus or David as an historical character is to see truth tempered to the...

A Lesson in Scripture

A LESSON IN SCRIPTURE In the second chapter of the Book of Luke the story is told of Jesus’ parents, worried and seeking him for three days, finding him and complaining, to which Jesus said: “How is it that you sought me? Know you not that I must be about my Father’s...

A Divine Event

A DIVINE EVENT Christmas is the proclamation of a divine event to which all creation aspires. It is an event which puts an entirely different light upon human life, for it proclaims that man has been saved. I question seriously whether an nth part of one per cent of...

The Promise

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The Promise

The Promised Fulfilled

THE PROMISE FULFILLED Tonight’s subject is “The Promise Fulfilled.” Now, here we are gathered together, and I daresay if I asked anyone here, including myself, the speaker: Are we really known in the world? I think we would all admit, “Only to a very small circle,...

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The Promised Fulfilled
The Promise

The Roll Of The Book

THE ROLL OF THE BOOK David, speaking to us in the 40th Psalm, says: “Lo, I come to do thy will, O Lord, for in the roll of the book it is written of me.” And in 5th chapter of the Book of John these words are found on the lips of one called Jesus Christ: “You...

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The Roll Of The Book
The Promise

The Second Vision

THE SECOND VISION We make the statement with Blake that, “All that you behold, though it appears to be without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” I mean that literally. The whole of humanity is contained in you,...

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The Second Vision
The Promise

The Shaping of The Unbegotten

THE SHAPING OF THE UNBEGOTTEN We are told in Paul’s letters to the Ephesians (5:1): “Be imitators of God as dear children.” So, we must find out what God did. We are told: “He called a thing not seen as though it were and the unseen became seen.” (Romans 4:17) The...

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The Shaping of The Unbegotten
The Promise

The Signs Of The End-1967

The Signs Of The End Tonight’s subject is: The Signs of the End. We are told that as he sat on the Mount of Olives, the Disciples came to him privately saying, “What will be the sign of your coming and of the close of the age?” This is a long chapter. You read it...

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The Signs Of The End 1967
The Promise

The Signs Of The End-1968

THE SIGNS OF THE END Truth can never be told so as to be understood and not be believed. But to unravel from the truth of Scripture, the interpretations placed upon it is really quite a task, for people think in terms of the end of the world when they think of the...

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The Signs Of The End 1968
The Promise

The Sin Against The Holy Spirit

THE SIN AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT Tonight we have as our subject: “The Sin Against the Holy Spirit.” Undoubtedly you have heard unnumbered concepts of this statement from scripture. The most common interpretation is the violation of the sex act. But that is not my...

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The Sin Against The Holy Spirit
The Promise

The State Of Vision

THE STATE OF VISION "We have only to raise Imagination to the state of Vision and the thing is done." (William Blake) Just imagine it! That is all you and I are required to do. No matter what it is we desire, we have only to raise imagination to the state of...

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The State Of Vision
The Promise

The Story Of Judas

THE STORY OF JUDAS We tell you here that we believe you can be what you want to be in this world and that it is my purpose to tell you. If I have moments in my life I regret it, not in the sense of a change of mind as in the word repent, still I must tell you. I...

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The Story Of Judas

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