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WHO IS THE SON OF MAN Tonight’s subject is “Who Is The Son of Man?” In the 16th chapter of the book of Matthew the question is asked of the Disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” and they answered, “Some say, ‘John the Baptist’ come again, others say,...
WHO PAUL REALLY IS If tonight I had a wish for you, I could not think of anything greater than to wish that you would now experience the story of Paul. I do not know if you have ever asked yourself, “Who is Paul?” Paul is not mentioned in any non-Biblical work of...
YOU MUST EXPERIENCE GOD God is known by experience or not at all. I have experienced God. I can no more deny it than I can the humblest evidence of my senses, so I feel qualified to tell you how you are going to experience God. There is only God in the world. When...
YOU MUST EXPERIENCE GOD God is known by experience or not at all. I have experienced God. I can no more deny it than I can the humblest evidence of my senses; so I feel qualified to tell you how you are going to experience God. There is only God in the world. When...
YOUR HUSBAND Probably one of the most misunderstood verses in the Bible is recorded in the 3rd chapter of Genesis, the 16th verse: “The Lord said to the woman, ‘I will greatly multiply your sorrow and in pain you shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be...
YOUR SUPREME DOMINION As you have been told, this morning's subject is "Your Supreme Dominion". As a man does not possess it or he does not know that he possesses it for he certainly is not exercising it. As we read in the very first chapter of the Book of Genesis,...