The law
Gift’s Bestowed By God
GIFTS BESTOWED BY GOD You will find tonight very practical, and yet I assure you, very, very spiritual. Christianity has to be continually redeemed from secular history, for Jesus Christ is the human imagination. As Paul tells us in his First Letter to the...
God Given Talent
GOD GIVEN TALENT Tonight is the Law. We are told in the book of Acts that: “God is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) I would like to change that a little, and say to you that: God is never so far off as...
God Only Acts
GOD ONLY ACTS You may ask how can a mortal man, born as we were born and who will die as we all will die, know that God only acts, but I tell you I know it from experience. I have experienced the Word of God and tonight I will tell you how I know that God and God...
God Speaks To man
GOD SPEAKS TO MAN "In a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men, while they slumber on their beds, he opens their ears and seals their instructions."(Job 33) Tonight you may find yourself fin a terrestrial world like this one, and you feel just as real...
Gods Creative Power
GOD’S CREATIVE POWER We are told in the Book of Exodus: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM the I AM. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name I AM I did not make myself known to them.’” And if you read the 1st chapter, the 24th verse of1...
He Is Dreaming Now
HE IS DREAMING NOW Tonight's subject is 'He is Dreaming Now'. The Bible begins, as far as man is concerned; "And the Lord God caused a great deep sleep to fall upon man, and he slept. And then the Lord God formed woman out of man, and then he told man that he must...
His Name
HIS NAME The Bible is not a product of human beings; it is not constructed by man. It is the history of man’s discovery by God’s revelation of the changing name of God, and it increases in its value to man. In Genesis 4:26 we are told that a child was born whose...
I am The Cause
I AM THE CAUSE According to a rabbical principle, that which is not written in scripture is non-existent. The story of Jesus Christ follows this principle. The unknown author of the Book of Luke (like all the others) wrote only of his own experiences. Turning to...
I Remember When
I REMEMBER WHEN When I receive a great revelation concerning the creative power of God I cannot keep it to myself, but must share it with all that will listen. Here is one I received many years ago. I found myself, in Spirit, in the interior of a stately mansion in...
If Any Two Agree
IF ANY TWO AGREE... Concerning the Law, I can only acquaint you with the Law and leave you to your choice and its risk, but we have Scripture for it – to tell it, regardless of what they do with the Law. In the 18th chapter of the book of Matthew you read these...
If You Can Really Believe
IF YOU CAN REALLY BELIEVE I trust that you will find tonight’s message a very practical one, because today there are so many reading the paper and believing what they see and what they hear on radio and TV about the depression and the recession and this, that and...
IMAGINATION Tonight’s subject is Imagination. You read in the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, a story of Paul coming through to the Athenians, and he calls upon these men, for he saw the inscription over and over. He said: “As I passed by…I saw [an altar with]...

Going Into The Silence
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