Miracle Meditation for the Modern Life

Miracle meditation is taking place everywhere. Somewhere in an urban city, a group of workers is sitting together, eyes half-closed, listening to the sound of their breath. In another place, the owner of an artisan bakery is starting her day by engaging in yoga poses,...

The New Christology

THE NEW CHRISTOLOGY You will find this a very practical night, for I feel that the truth of the working of God’s law should be looked upon as intensely as anything in this world. So tonight I want to show you quite clearly how God’s law operates. We are told in the...

The Spiritual Cause

THE SPIRITUAL CAUSE All cause is spiritual! Although a natural cause seems to be, it is a delusion of the vanishing vegetable memory. Unable to remember the moment a state was imagined, when it takes form and is seen by the outer eye its harvest is not recognized, and...

The Spirit Of Truth

THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH When I speak of Jesus or any other character of scripture, I am speaking of a personification of a principle, not of a person as you are or I am. The Bible records vision, and makes no reference to persons or events which occurred on earth....

The Sphere Within

THE SPHERE WITHIN Entering this world of death, you brought all you have (or can have) with you. You are like a garden, already planted and sowed, for this world is too poor to produce one seed. Although William Blake was called a madman, he knew this great truth, and...

The Source

THE SOURCE Man is seeking the source, the cause, of the phenomena of life. In his search, he grows and outgrows his many concepts of God until he finds the one God he can never outgrow, and therefore can never lose. That is the God which he finds in a first person,...

The Secret Of Prayer

THE SECRET OF PRAYER The secret of scriptural prayer, as told in the form of a parable, is to pray and never lose heart. One such parable tells of a widow who kept coming to a judge, asking for vindication. At first he did not respond, then he said to himself:...

The Secret Of Imagining

THE SECRET OF IMAGINING Tonight’s subject is “The Secret of Imagining.” In almost every particular (situation) is the world about us different from what we think it. Why, then, should we be so incredulous? Life calls on us to believe not less, but more. The Secret of...

The Secret Of Causation

THE SECRET OF CAUSATION "The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery.” Imagination is the Jesus Christ of...

The Revealer

THE REVEALER The Psalmist said: "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." The name of God is synonymous with God himself, so when you know God's name, you will put your trust in him. The Book of Exodus tells the story of Moses, who questions God, saying:...

The Pruning Shears Of Revision

THE PRUNING SHEARS OF REVISION This morning's subject is "The Pruning Shears of Revision". I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that...

The Secret Of Causation

THE SECRET OF CAUSATION "The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery.” Imagination is the Jesus Christ of...

The Revealer

THE REVEALER The Psalmist said: "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." The name of God is synonymous with God himself, so when you know God's name, you will put your trust in him. The Book of Exodus tells the story of Moses, who questions God, saying:...

The Pruning Shears Of Revision

THE PRUNING SHEARS OF REVISION This morning's subject is "The Pruning Shears of Revision". I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that...

The Power Of Awareness

THE POWER OF AWARENESS I think you know how thrilled I am to be back here, for this is the one platform that grants me complete freedom. You know that. Dr. Bailes has never once restricted me or even suggested any condition. He gives me complete freedom of this...

The Potter’s House

THE POTTER’S HOUSE Tonight’s title is “The Potter’s House.” This story is told in the 18th chapter of the book of Jeremiah. “The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, ‘Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.’ So, I went down to the potter’s...

The Perfect Law Of Liberty

THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY You should find tonight a very practical night – something that you can test – take it tonight and prove it. We’ll take it from Scripture, but something first with which, I think, you are all familiar. If you took a piece of steel that is...

The Lord, Our Potter

THE LORD, OUR POTTER In the 64th chapter of the Book of Isaiah we read: "O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay. Thou art our potter; we are the work of thy hand." When you hear the words Lord, Father, and potter, do you think of another? I certainly hope not....

The Living Word

THE LIVING WORD In all the revelations that await you, there is none so fundamental and so filled with ecstasy, as when you discover that the Bible is all about you. What joy will be yours, when the word of God as recorded in the books of Genesis to Revelation is...

The Identical Harvest

THE IDENTICAL HARVEST I am quite sure you are going to find this an interesting series. Tonight it is “The Law of the Identical Harvest.” In the very beginning, God established the Law of the Identical Harvest. And God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation: Plants...

The Hidden Cause

THE HIDDEN CAUSE The dream of life unfolds on this level, as well as on a higher one. On this level we see things happen and are given reasons for wars and revolutions, as well as the geological causes for the convulsions of nature. But we do not know and cannot...

The Heavenly Vision

THE HEAVENLY VISION The most that can be expected of any man is that he be true to the vision he has seen. Paul, the greatest and possibly the most influential figure in the history of Christianity, was such a man. When brought in chains before the king, he said:...

The Bread And The Wine

THE BREAD AND THE WINE When we say that the supreme power that created the universe is the same power that is resident in man, people question that statement. Possibly everyone here owns a Bible, and when you go to court as a witness - say you are called to swear that...

That Which Already Has Been

THAT WHICH ALREADY HAS BEEN This platform is concerned only with the great secret of life. Here we are convinced that the Supreme Power that created and sustains the universe is Divine Imagining, and it does not differ from human imagination save in degree of...

Test Yourselves

TEST YOURSELVES Faith is not complete until through experiment it becomes experience. God’s promise cannot be tested. It cannot be earned, for it is given by grace. But your faith will be increased when you experiment, when you test God’s law. It is easier to accept...

Test Him And See

TEST HIM AND SEE Tonight’s subject is: Test Him and See. In the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians, the very last chapter, the 13th, he calls upon all of us – for, he is addressing us. Although it was written two thousand years ago, he really addresses everyone...

Step Into The Picture (Who God Really Is)

STEP INTO THE PICTURE (WHO GOD REALLY IS) We are told: “With God, all things are possible.” I think anyone who believes in God would say “yes” to that. But then we are told that: “God is Spirit, and the Spirit of God dwells in us.” I think any man who believes that...

Sound Investments

SOUND INVESTMENTS Today's subject is "Sound Investments". I want to share with you today what I consider one of the truly great revelations of all time. On Sunday morning, April12th, my wife woke from what was really a deep, profound sleep and as she was waking a...

Seedtime And Harvest

SEEDTIME AND HARVEST As you have been told, this morning's subject is Seedtime and Harvest. Although it bears the same title as my latest book, it is not to be found in that book, for that book is an attempt to interpret some of the more difficult passages of the...

Secret Of Imagination

SECRET OF IMAGINATION I thought that this last week should be both practical and idealistic. So we will start on the practical side. He said, “Think not that I am come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish the law and the prophets, but to...

Release Barabbas And Crucify Jesus

RELEASE BARABBAS AND CRUCIFY JESUS As you know, we feel that life should be a perpetual increase of the things you love! That, to me is the art of living. In man's ability to live in the end, to live in the feeling of the wish fulfilled, lies man's capacity to live...

Radio Lectures – Be What you Wish; Be What you Believe

BE WHAT YOU WISH; BE WHAT YOU BELIEVE Radio Talk, Station KECA, Los Angeles July, 1951 A newspaperman related to me that our great scientist, Robert Millikan, once told him that he had set a goal for himself at an early age when he was still very poor and unproven in...

Questions and Answers 1970 Lessons

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS QUESTION ASKED FOLLOWING LECTURE, 15 July 1970 Question: Do you believe in the theory of evolution? Question: Do you believe in the theory of evolution? Neville: No, I do not believe in evolution as to the creative power of God. I believe in...

Questions and Answers 1948 Lessons

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 1. Question: What is the meaning of the insignia on your book covers? Answer: It is an eye imposed upon a heart which, in turn is imposed upon a tree laden with fruit, meaning that what you are conscious of, and accept as true, you are going to...

Prophetic Blueprints

PROPHETIC BLUEPRINTS Tonight’s subject is “Prophetic Blueprints.” Now we could take it on this level, but I will not. To summarize it on this level, may I tell you: if you could conceive of an infinite might as a great computer, and if the imaginal activities of all...

Proof The Law Works

PROOF, THE LAW WORKS Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, says, “I see that you observe days and months and seasons and years. I am afraid I have labored over you in vain.” Now here we are, this crowded week of observing these different days, and this is the season,...

Power Called The Law

POWER CALLED "THE LAW” Any presentation of a doctrine must show that it has specific reference to life now, as well as hereafter, for secularized man is far more concerned with the present than with the future. So, if you would interest anyone in the truth, you must...

Power And Wisdom

POWER AND WISDOM Although man develops more and more power on earth, it is like kindergarten, compared to the power that is his in the New Age. Christ within you as your hope of glory is the personification of this power Knowing himself to be all power, Jesus turned...

Persistent Assumption

PERSISTENT ASSUMPTION Now, you and I look out on a world, and we think of the great men and women who are publicized in the world, and many of them are altogether wonderful. We speak of the great poets, the scientists, the businessmen – all these fellows in the world,...

Persistent Assumption 2

PERSISTENT ASSUMPTION 2 I tell you a truth: There is nothing greater than your own wonderful human imagination! It is he who inspired Blake, Shakespeare, and Einstein, for there is only one spirit in the universe! "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One."...

Order Your Conversations Aright

ORDER YOUR CONVERSATIONS ARIGHT Tonight’s subject is, “Order Your Conversations Aright.” As we are told in the 50th Psalm: “To him that ordereth his conversation aright will I show the salvation of God.” (Psalm 50:23, KJV1) Have we any instructions in Scripture...

North Of The Strip

NORTH OF THE STRIP On this platform we believe that God is all Imagination and God is man (spiritual man, not the garment of skin he wears). Therefore man is all Imagination. We believe also that God, being the only creator, and God being man, then we are creators,...

Live The Answer Now

LIVE THE ANSWER NOW Every fact is a dream made visible, so I invite you to live as though your dream were already a fact! I am convinced that every dream (desire) I have dared to live in the now has gradually and unnoticed blossomed into fact in my life. I also know,...

Live In The End

LIVE IN THE END I daresay that everyone here would say, “Yes,” to the statement of Scripture, “With God, all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27) I don’t think you’d be here if you did not believe in God, and the God to whom all things are possible. But maybe we stop...

Lesson 5 Remain Faithful to Your Idea

REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR IDEA Tonight we have the fifth and last lesson in this course. First I shall give you a sort of summary of what has gone before. Then, since so many of you have asked me to elaborate further on Lesson 3, I shall give you a few more ideas on...

Lesson 4 No One to Change but Self

NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF May I take just a minute to clarify what was said last night. A lady felt from what I said last night that I am anti one nation. I do hope that I am not anti any nation, race or belief. If perchance I used a nation, it was only to illustrate...

Lesson 3 Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally

THINKING FOURTH-DIMENSIONALLY There are two actual outlooks on the world possessed by every man, and the ancient story tellers were fully conscious of these two outlooks. They called the one "the carnal mind," and the other "the mind of Christ." We recognize these two...

Lesson 2 Assumptions Harden into Fact

ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT consciousness into another unless he releases from consciousness that which he now entertains, for it anchors him where he is. You and I may go to physical feasts year after year as the sun enters the great sign of Aries, but it means...

Lesson 1 Consciousness is the Only Reality

CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY This is going to be a very practical Course. Therefore, I hope that everyone in this class has a very clear picture of what he desires, for I am convinced that you can realize your desires by the technique you will receive here this...

Is Christ Your Imagination

IS CHRIST YOUR IMAGINATION Tonight’s subject is in the form of a question: “Is Christ your Imagination?” When we ask the question we expect the answer in terms of our current background of thought, and quite often that is not adequate to frame the answer. Now, I am...

Imagining Creates

IMAGINING CREATES The creator of the world works in the depth of your soul, underlying all of your faculties, including perception, and streams into your surface mind least disguised in the form of creative fancy. Watch your thoughts, and you will catch Him in the act...


IMAGINATION Tonight’s subject is Imagination. You read in the 17th chapter of the book of Acts, a story of Paul coming through to the Athenians, and he calls upon these men, for he saw the inscription over and over. He said: “As I passed by…I saw [an altar with] this...

Imagination Fulfills Itself

IMAGINATION FULFILLS ITSELF I say imagination creates reality, and if this premise is true then imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes. Although I have changed the words, what I am saying is not new. Scripture says it in this manner: "Whatsoever you...

If You Can Really Believe

IF YOU CAN REALLY BELIEVE I trust that you will find tonight’s message a very practical one, because today there are so many reading the paper and believing what they see and what they hear on radio and TV about the depression and the recession and this, that and the...


IMAGINATION CREATES REALITY Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you. It is your savior. If you were thirsty, water would be your savior. If you needed a job, employment would be your savior. Your imagination is the power to...

If Any Two Agree

IF ANY TWO AGREE... Concerning the Law, I can only acquaint you with the Law and leave you to your choice and its risk, but we have Scripture for it – to tell it, regardless of what they do with the Law. In the 18th chapter of the book of Matthew you read these words,...

I Remember When

I REMEMBER WHEN When I receive a great revelation concerning the creative power of God I cannot keep it to myself, but must share it with all that will listen. Here is one I received many years ago. I found myself, in Spirit, in the interior of a stately mansion in...

I am The Cause

I AM THE CAUSE According to a rabbical principle, that which is not written in scripture is non-existent. The story of Jesus Christ follows this principle. The unknown author of the Book of Luke (like all the others) wrote only of his own experiences. Turning to his...

His Name

HIS NAME The Bible is not a product of human beings; it is not constructed by man. It is the history of man’s discovery by God’s revelation of the changing name of God, and it increases in its value to man. In Genesis 4:26 we are told that a child was born whose name...

He Is Dreaming Now

HE IS DREAMING NOW Tonight's subject is 'He is Dreaming Now'. The Bible begins, as far as man is concerned; "And the Lord God caused a great deep sleep to fall upon man, and he slept. And then the Lord God formed woman out of man, and then he told man that he must...

Gods Creative Power

GOD’S CREATIVE POWER We are told in the Book of Exodus: “God said to Moses, ‘I AM the I AM. I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name I AM I did not make myself known to them.’” And if you read the 1st chapter, the 24th verse of1...

God Speaks To man

GOD SPEAKS TO MAN "In a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men, while they slumber on their beds, he opens their ears and seals their instructions."(Job 33) Tonight you may find yourself fin a terrestrial world like this one, and you feel just as real to...

God Only Acts

GOD ONLY ACTS You may ask how can a mortal man, born as we were born and who will die as we all will die, know that God only acts, but I tell you I know it from experience. I have experienced the Word of God and tonight I will tell you how I know that God and God...

God Given Talent

GOD GIVEN TALENT Tonight is the Law. We are told in the book of Acts that: “God is not far from each one of us, for in Him we live, and move, and have our being.” (Acts 17:28) I would like to change that a little, and say to you that: God is never so far off as even...

Gift’s Bestowed By God

GIFTS BESTOWED BY GOD You will find tonight very practical, and yet I assure you, very, very spiritual. Christianity has to be continually redeemed from secular history, for Jesus Christ is the human imagination. As Paul tells us in his First Letter to the...


FUNDAMENTALS By NEVILLE Author of "The Power of Awareness" From INTA Bulletin, “New Thought” summer 1953 WITH so vast a subject, it is indeed a difficult task to summarize in a few hundred words what I consider the - most basic ideas on which those who seek a true...

Feel Deeply

FEEL DEEPLY What you feel deeply is far more important than what you are thinking. You may think about doing something for a long time and never do it, but when you feel something deeply you are spurred to act - and God acts! He who is the cause of all life acts...

Feed My Sheep

FEED MY SHEEP This morning's subject is "Feed My Sheep." This is simply saying: practice the truths you have heard, for it means to shepherd the thoughts of the mind. For most of us, our thoughts are like rambling sheep that have no shepherd. We are called upon now to...


FAITH The Bible defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, Revised Standard Version) What is seen is made out of things that do not appear. Faith does not give reality to things that are not seen. It is...

Faith In God

FAITH IN GOD In the 11th chapter of the Book of Hebrews, faith is described as: "The assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God, so things seen are made out of that which does...

Every Natural Effect

EVERY NATURAL EFFECT Class Lecture by Neville Edited by Jan McKee Every natural effect has a spiritual cause and not a natural. A natural cause only seems. It is a delusion of the perishing, vegetable memory. We do not remember these moments in time when we imagined...

Esau Jacob Israel

ESAU - JACOB – ISRAEL We are told by Paul in II Timothy 3:16: “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.” The word “righteousness” is described for us in the Encyclopedia Britannica as...

Esau And Jacob

ESAU AND JACOB As I promised last Tuesday, I now want to give you my personal technique [I use] when I pray for myself or for others, but for the benefit of those who are here for the first time, I want to say that we believe here that Imagination creates Reality. And...

Enter The Dream

ENTER THE DREAM God only acts and is in existing beings or men. Embracing the fires of experience, God was consumed by the flames, rose from their ashes, and continues to rise as Jesus Christ, or Divine Imagination. Good and evil are not conditions imposed by some...

Election And Change Of Consciousness

ELECTION AND CHANGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS Election is an act of God, not based upon any inherent superiority of those elected, but grounded in the love and grace of God and in his promises to the Father. Let no one boast who is called. Let no one boast who is elected, for...

Creation Faith

CREATION – FAITH The mystery of creation is to be understood in terms of faith, so what is faith? It is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen with the mortal eye. Through faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God,...

Control Your Inner Conversations

CONTROL YOUR INNER CONVERSATIONS The whole manifested world goes to show us what use we have made of God’s gift. Receiving a gift does not mean that we are going to use it wisely, but we have the gift. Everyone has the gift; and the world simply reflects the use of...

Changing The Feeling of I

CHANGING THE FEELING OF "I" For the benefit of those who were not present last Sunday, just let me give you a quick summary of the thought expressed here. We claimed that the world was a manifestation of consciousness, that the individual's environment, circumstances...

Catch The Mood

CATCH THE MOOD You will find tonight’s message a very practical one. I don’t think it will disturb anyone, but there are adjustments to be made concerning what man believes God to be, and what God really is. We are told in Scripture, in the birth of the twins, which...

Brazen Impudence

BRAZEN IMPUDENCE A new idea will not become part of your common currency of thought until it has been repeated over and over and you begin to live by it. You have been taught to believe that God exists outside of you, but I say you are all Imagination. That God exists...

Believe It In

BELIEVE IT IN The objective reality of this world is solely produced by the human imagination, in which all things exist. Tonight I hope to show you how to subjectively appropriate that which already exists in you, and turn it into an objective fact. Your life is...

Believe In Him

BELIEVE IN HIM When asked: "What must we do to be doing the work of God?" he answered: "Believe in him whom he has sent." That’s all you have to do. Salvation is yours when you believe in him. There is no aristocracy of privilege, and to believe that Jesus exists...

Behold The Dreamer Cometh

BEHOLD THE DREAMER COMETH In the 37th chapter of Genesis we read the story of Joseph, a dreamer whose dreams always came true. His father, Israel, loved Joseph more than any of his other sons, and made him a long robe with sleeves. Now I ask you, who is Joseph? He is...

Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens

BEAR YE ONE ANOTHER’S BURDENS The Bible is the most practical book in the world. In it we are told that one named Simon carried the cross behind Jesus. The word “Simon” means “to hear with understanding and consent to what is heard.” And Jesus is your own wonderful...

Be Imitators of God

BE IMITATORS OF GOD "It has been taught us from the primal state, that that which is, was wished until it were." (William Shakespeare) God started with a wish, saying; "Let us make man in our image." And we are told that we will be perfect as our Father is perfect,...

Barabbas or Jesus

BARABBAS OR JESUS Tonight’s subject is "Barabbas or Jesus." This is the greatest trial that ever took place in eternity. You have read of trials in countries where billions are involved. It means nothing compared to this trial. This is the greatest of all trials. When...

Awakened Imagination

AWAKENED IMAGINATION   As you have heard, this morning's subject is "Awakened Imagination". It is my theme for the entire series of nineteen lectures. Everything is geared towards the awakening of the imagination. I doubt if there is any subject on which clear...

At Your Command

AT YOUR COMMAND NEVILLE SNELLGROVE PUBLICATIONS NEW YORK 1939 At Your Command By Neville This book contains the very essence of the Principle of Expression. Had I cared to, I could have expanded it into a book of several hundred pages but such expansion would have...

An Inner Conviction

AN INNER CONVICTION I tell you that imagination creates reality and I ask you to imagine a state, any state, which would imply the fulfillment of your desire. It doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks; it’s what you think that matters to you! If you create a...

All Things Exist

ALL THINGS EXIST “All that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” (William Blake) The world of imagination is infinite and eternal, whereas the world of generation is finite and...

All Things are Possible 2

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE In the 9th chapter of the Book of Mark, it is said: "All things are possible to him who believes," and in the 19th chapter of the Book of Matthew we are told: "With God all things are possible." Here we see God equated with the believer. Seated...

All Things are Possible 1

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Jesus Christ is the true identity of every one! His name, forever and ever is I am! Therefore, when you say I am, you are declaring your true identity! Do you believe that all things are possible to someone called Jesus Christ, but not...

All That You Behold

ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD "All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. "If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is...

A State Called Moses

A STATE CALLED MOSES While reading scripture, always bear in mind that it is a story of salvation and not secular history, that the characters – from Adam to Jesus - are states of consciousness. In Blake's "Visions of the Last Judgment, "he said: "It ought to be...

A Movement Within God

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD If you find yourself miserable or helpless here, may I tell you that you are not condemned to the state by a deity outside of yourself, for everything that takes place in your world is but a movement within God. We are told that in the very...

A Movement of Mind

A MOVEMENT OF MIND In the 33rd chapter of the Book of Job we are told that God speaks to man in two ways, but man does not perceive them. It is said: "In a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men while they slumber on their beds, he opens the...

All Things are Possible 2

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE In the 9th chapter of the Book of Mark, it is said: "All things are possible to him who believes," and in the 19th chapter of the Book of Matthew we are told: "With God all things are possible." Here we see God equated with the believer. Seated...

All Things are Possible 1

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Jesus Christ is the true identity of every one! His name, forever and ever is I am! Therefore, when you say I am, you are declaring your true identity! Do you believe that all things are possible to someone called Jesus Christ, but not...

All That You Behold

ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD "All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. "If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is...

A State Called Moses

A STATE CALLED MOSES While reading scripture, always bear in mind that it is a story of salvation and not secular history, that the characters – from Adam to Jesus - are states of consciousness. In Blake's "Visions of the Last Judgment, "he said: "It ought to be...

A Movement Within God

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD If you find yourself miserable or helpless here, may I tell you that you are not condemned to the state by a deity outside of yourself, for everything that takes place in your world is but a movement within God. We are told that in the very...

The Law

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The Law

A Movement of Mind

A MOVEMENT OF MIND In the 33rd chapter of the Book of Job we are told that God speaks to man in two ways, but man does not perceive them. It is said: "In a dream, in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men while they slumber on their beds, he opens the...

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A Movement of Mind
The Law

A Movement Within God

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD If you find yourself miserable or helpless here, may I tell you that you are not condemned to the state by a deity outside of yourself, for everything that takes place in your world is but a movement within God. We are told that in the very...

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A Movement Within God
The Law

A Movement Within God

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD If you find yourself miserable or helpless here, may I tell you that you are not condemned to the state by a deity outside of yourself, for everything that takes place in your world is but a movement within God. We are told that in the very...

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A Movement Within God
The Law

A State Called Moses

A STATE CALLED MOSES While reading scripture, always bear in mind that it is a story of salvation and not secular history, that the characters – from Adam to Jesus - are states of consciousness. In Blake's "Visions of the Last Judgment, "he said: "It ought to be...

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A State Called Moses
The Law

A State Called Moses

A STATE CALLED MOSES While reading scripture, always bear in mind that it is a story of salvation and not secular history, that the characters – from Adam to Jesus - are states of consciousness. In Blake's "Visions of the Last Judgment, "he said: "It ought to be...

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A State Called Moses
The Law

All That You Behold

ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD "All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. "If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is...

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All That You Behold
The Law

All That You Behold

ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD "All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow. "If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is...

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All That You Behold
The Law

All Things are Possible 1

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Jesus Christ is the true identity of every one! His name, forever and ever is I am! Therefore, when you say I am, you are declaring your true identity! Do you believe that all things are possible to someone called Jesus Christ, but not...

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All Things are Possible 1
The Law

All Things are Possible 1

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Jesus Christ is the true identity of every one! His name, forever and ever is I am! Therefore, when you say I am, you are declaring your true identity! Do you believe that all things are possible to someone called Jesus Christ, but not...

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All Things are Possible 1

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