The law
Secret Of Imagination
SECRET OF IMAGINATION I thought that this last week should be both practical and idealistic. So we will start on the practical side. He said, “Think not that I am come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish the law and the prophets, but to...
Seedtime And Harvest
SEEDTIME AND HARVEST As you have been told, this morning's subject is Seedtime and Harvest. Although it bears the same title as my latest book, it is not to be found in that book, for that book is an attempt to interpret some of the more difficult passages of the...
Sound Investments
SOUND INVESTMENTS Today's subject is "Sound Investments". I want to share with you today what I consider one of the truly great revelations of all time. On Sunday morning, April12th, my wife woke from what was really a deep, profound sleep and as she was waking a...
Step Into The Picture (Who God Really Is)
STEP INTO THE PICTURE (WHO GOD REALLY IS) We are told: “With God, all things are possible.” I think anyone who believes in God would say “yes” to that. But then we are told that: “God is Spirit, and the Spirit of God dwells in us.” I think any man who believes that...
Test Him And See
TEST HIM AND SEE Tonight’s subject is: Test Him and See. In the second letter of Paul to the Corinthians, the very last chapter, the 13th, he calls upon all of us – for, he is addressing us. Although it was written two thousand years ago, he really addresses...
Test Yourselves
TEST YOURSELVES Faith is not complete until through experiment it becomes experience. God’s promise cannot be tested. It cannot be earned, for it is given by grace. But your faith will be increased when you experiment, when you test God’s law. It is easier to...
That Which Already Has Been
THAT WHICH ALREADY HAS BEEN This platform is concerned only with the great secret of life. Here we are convinced that the Supreme Power that created and sustains the universe is Divine Imagining, and it does not differ from human imagination save in degree of...
The Bread And The Wine
THE BREAD AND THE WINE When we say that the supreme power that created the universe is the same power that is resident in man, people question that statement. Possibly everyone here owns a Bible, and when you go to court as a witness - say you are called to swear...
The Heavenly Vision
THE HEAVENLY VISION The most that can be expected of any man is that he be true to the vision he has seen. Paul, the greatest and possibly the most influential figure in the history of Christianity, was such a man. When brought in chains before the king, he said:...
The Hidden Cause
THE HIDDEN CAUSE The dream of life unfolds on this level, as well as on a higher one. On this level we see things happen and are given reasons for wars and revolutions, as well as the geological causes for the convulsions of nature. But we do not know and cannot...
The Identical Harvest
THE IDENTICAL HARVEST I am quite sure you are going to find this an interesting series. Tonight it is “The Law of the Identical Harvest.” In the very beginning, God established the Law of the Identical Harvest. And God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation:...
The Living Word
THE LIVING WORD In all the revelations that await you, there is none so fundamental and so filled with ecstasy, as when you discover that the Bible is all about you. What joy will be yours, when the word of God as recorded in the books of Genesis to Revelation is...

Going Into The Silence
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