The law
The Lord, Our Potter
THE LORD, OUR POTTER In the 64th chapter of the Book of Isaiah we read: "O Lord, thou art our Father; we are the clay. Thou art our potter; we are the work of thy hand." When you hear the words Lord, Father, and potter, do you think of another? I certainly hope...
The New Christology
THE NEW CHRISTOLOGY You will find this a very practical night, for I feel that the truth of the working of God’s law should be looked upon as intensely as anything in this world. So tonight I want to show you quite clearly how God’s law operates. We are told in the...
The Perfect Law Of Liberty
THE PERFECT LAW OF LIBERTY You should find tonight a very practical night – something that you can test – take it tonight and prove it. We’ll take it from Scripture, but something first with which, I think, you are all familiar. If you took a piece of steel that is...
The Potter’s House
THE POTTER’S HOUSE Tonight’s title is “The Potter’s House.” This story is told in the 18th chapter of the book of Jeremiah. “The Word of the Lord came to Jeremiah, ‘Go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words.’ So, I went down to the...
The Power Of Awareness
THE POWER OF AWARENESS I think you know how thrilled I am to be back here, for this is the one platform that grants me complete freedom. You know that. Dr. Bailes has never once restricted me or even suggested any condition. He gives me complete freedom of this...
The Pruning Shears Of Revision
The Pruning Shears Of Revision
THE PRUNING SHEARS OF REVISION This morning's subject is "The Pruning Shears of Revision". I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realize. And I mean that...
The Revealer
THE REVEALER The Psalmist said: "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." The name of God is synonymous with God himself, so when you know God's name, you will put your trust in him. The Book of Exodus tells the story of Moses, who questions God, saying:...
The Revealer
THE REVEALER The Psalmist said: "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." The name of God is synonymous with God himself, so when you know God's name, you will put your trust in him. The Book of Exodus tells the story of Moses, who questions God, saying:...
The Secret Of Causation
THE SECRET OF CAUSATION "The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery.” Imagination is the Jesus Christ...
The Secret Of Causation
THE SECRET OF CAUSATION "The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems, to the solution of which every man should aspire; for supreme power, supreme wisdom, and supreme delight, lie in the solution of this great mystery.” Imagination is the Jesus Christ...
The Secret Of Imagining
THE SECRET OF IMAGINING Tonight’s subject is “The Secret of Imagining.” In almost every particular (situation) is the world about us different from what we think it. Why, then, should we be so incredulous? Life calls on us to believe not less, but more. The Secret...

Going Into The Silence
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