Law Of Attraction

Revealed The Top 10 Classical Metaphysics Books You Must Read!

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The Top 10 Classical Metaphysics Books:

So, what’s the best metaphysical book to read, where shall I start? With the plethora of books out there it is quite difficult to say. I have read hundreds of books on metaphysics in my time and it was a challenge to narrow them down to a list of ten. My choice is entirely subjective of course and what resonates with me, certainly may not vie with you. However, I chose the books that were the most stimulating and memorable, and more importantly, I’m sure they will motivate and inspire you.

When we talk about metaphysics, essentially we are dealing with a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence, truth, and knowledge. What is the phenomena of life? What’s causing things to happen in my life? If this is the answer you’re seeking reading the books mentioned below will point you in the right direction. So in no particular order, here are my top 10 metaphysics books that you need to read.

Metaphysics Books You Should Read

Three Magic Words by U.S Andersen

Three Magic Words is a self-help book that emphasizes the power of thought intention and imagination to achieve personal transformation and success. The author, U.S Andersen, draws on various spiritual traditions, including Christianity and Eastern mysticism, to present his ideas. The three magic words that the author focuses on are “I am God, which he reveals at the end of the book, which is the ultimate realization that every individual will come to in their spiritual journey. The arguments that he presents that we are all part of the divine and have the power to create our own reality are excellently presented, and truly compelling. He argues that everything in the universe is connected and that our thoughts and beliefs have a direct impact on our reality. The book offers practical advice and exercises to help readers shift their thinking and manifest their desires. Look out for the famous 30 mental diets contained in this book, which from personal experience, I can confess are immensely powerful and effective.

Power of Awareness by Neville Goddard:

The Power of Awareness is a classic book on the power of the imagination and the law of assumption. The author, Neville Goddard, draws on biblical teachings to argue that we create our reality through our thoughts and beliefs. In fact, the premise of Neville’s teachings was that the entire Bible is a parable of the human psyche as opposed to a historical record of events. Neville emphasized the importance of cultivating a deep sense of awareness and using specific visualization techniques to manifest one’s desires. The book offers practical advice on how to tap into the power of the subconscious mind to achieve any objective. I could easily have featured every single one of the authors’ books in my review, they are all that good! However, for the sake of being impartial, I listed here my favorite of his twelve publications. Not only can you download a Free copy of this classic, but we also have a video masterclass to support this masterpiece.

The Game of Life by Florence Scovel Shinn:

Florence Scovel Shinn taught in a simple down to earth approach, her style was easy to comprehend but more importantly super effective in its application. Her most famous book The Game of Life exemplifies this. Even the most cynical individual can appreciate the wisdom of her teachings in this classic self-help masterpiece. Its focus on the power of positive thinking and faith is reiterated from beginning to end. Throughout the pages are tonnes of practical advice and exercises to help readers overcome fear and negativity and achieve their deepest desires. The author draws on her extensive years of experience as a spiritual teacher to teach the reader processes on how to align thoughts and beliefs with desires. She illustrates through real-life testimonies how trusting in the power of the universe is key to manifesting one’s dreams.

The Secret Teachings of the Ages by Manly P. Hall:

The Secret Teachings of the Ages is a comprehensive study of all the esoteric and occult traditions of the world. The author, Manly P. Hall, skilfully interprets the teachings of ancient cultures and illustrates that in all ancient spiritual texts, there is, a unified theory of the universe and humanity throughout. The book covers a wide range of topics, including religion, symbolism, mythology, and philosophy. It offers insights into the nature of reality and the human condition and provides a roadmap for personal and spiritual expansion. More than just another book on metaphysics, this classic is an encyclopedic outline of Rosicrucian, Hermetic, Qabbalist, Masonic, and symbolical philosophy.

The Kybalion by the Three Initiates:

Heavily inspired by the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, The Kybalion is a classic text on Hermetic philosophy, A very slight publication, it emphasizes the principles of mentalism, correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender. Hermes Trismegistuc or Thoth as he is otherwise known wrote countless books, The Kybalion, however, focuses on the main core principles of hermetic philosophy. The author, who wrote under the pseudonym of “the Three Initiates”; draws on ancient Egyptian and Greek teachings to present a system of spiritual and philosophical principles that underlie the universe. The macrocosm-microcosm theory teaches that the “part reflects the whole” Throughout the cosmos – “as above so below” The book offers practical advice and processes to help readers apply these principles in their lives and achieve spiritual and personal growth.

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen:

Of the many books, this new age publisher wrote “As a Man Thinketh” ranks as possibly his finest. Like other New Age contemporaries of the time, the core principles of this book are the power of thought and the law of attraction. The author asserts that our thoughts and beliefs determine our reality and that

by having a positive mindset we can achieve success and happiness. The book offers practical advice on overcoming negative thinking and achieving personal and spiritual growth. I have featured it in my top ten mainly because it contains some excellent tips on visualization and affirmations; a brilliant book on metaphysics and its application in daily living

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles:

Featured frequently in the book, The Secret, Wallace Wattles (1860 -1911) was one of the early leading teachers in the “New Thought ” movement. A prolific author, in 1910 he published his most famous book The Science of Getting Rich. This self-help classic book focuses on the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. The author, argues that anyone can achieve wealth and abundance by having a grateful mindset and daily visualization. Filled with practical exercises the book offers advice on how to overcome limiting beliefs and create success in all areas of life.

Temple Without Hands by W.D. Larson:

The author, W.D. Larson was a contemporary of Neville Goddard and it is believed that like Goddard, he too was schooled by the great Ethiopian mystic Abdullah. It is clear in his works one can see the similarities with the words of Neville, though his writing style is perhaps more poetic and less instructive and practical. The Temple Without Hands is a spiritual autobiography that emphasizes the power of faith and perseverance in overcoming obstacles and achieving personal and spiritual growth. The author, W.D. Larson, recounts his journey from a troubled childhood to a spiritual awakening. Unlike the other books in this review it’s not littered with practical instructions, but the narrative itself is inspiring and one can replicate his approach and use this as a template for overcoming adversity.

The Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes:

This is another literary self-help classic, The Creative Mind is a book whose core premise is the power of the mind and its ability to create reality. Most metaphysical books emphasize this and The Creative Mind is no exception. The author, Ernest Holmes, presents a system of spiritual and mental practices that can lead to personal and spiritual growth. Want to overcome limiting beliefs and tap into the infinite power of the subconscious mind then this is the ideal choice. heavily influenced by the principles of New Thought and metaphysics despite being published over a century ago, the practical wisdom in its pages has stood the test of time.

The Secret of the Ages by Robert Collier:

The Secret of the Ages is a classic self-help book that offers practical advice on how to use visualization, affirmation, and other techniques to manifest abundance in all areas of life. The book is heavily influenced by the principles of New thought and metaphysics. The author, Robert Collier, presents a system of mental and spiritual practices that can help readers overcome negative thinking and achieve their goals. As with most books mentioned in this review, its emphasis is on the power of the mind, the law of attraction, and how harnessing its power will enable the reader to consciously manifest any objective.

Your Invisible Power by Genevieve Behrend:

Genevieve Behrand was the only student to study with metaphysics giant Judge Thomas Troward. Your Invisible Power is her finest publication. A superb classic self-help book, its core premise teaches that success and happiness can be achieved through mind power and the law of attraction. The book is heavily influenced by New Thought philosophy and despite its age, the practices and processes are effective for modern-day living. Visualization and affirmations are timeless tools one can use to manifest objectives and this book offers easy-to-follow practical instructions on how to effectively apply them.

Thoughts Are Things by Prentice Mulford:

This influential author, Prentice Mulford was one of the pioneers of the New Thoughts movement. Thoughts Are Things, which is essentially a collection of essays, is a classic self-help book that explains the power of the mind and the practical application of the law of attraction to achieve happiness and success. In a series of mental and spiritual processes, he presents a system that the reader can use to overcome limiting beliefs and manifests one’s goals The authors’ many works that deal with metaphysical and spiritual laws have influenced countless writers and teachers. Thoughts are Things which is considered to be his finest work, offers practical advice on how to use visualization, affirmation, and other techniques to manifest abundance in all areas of life.


So, there you have it, my top ten classical metaphysics books. You may not agree with my choice and I welcome any suggestions you may have. Please comment below. These books will inspire and motivate you and most are available in the recommended reading section on Truecosmic Academy.


Mystic M

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