“Quietly yearning for what you don’t have whilst dreading losing what you do for 99.9%of your race that is the definition of reality…Desire and Fear Baby! “The Analyst Matrix Revolutions
One of mankind’s biggest anxieties is losing what we have. We need to remember that focusing our imaginal activity on what we don’t want can, actually create what scares us. And holding tightly to what we do have keeps us from participating in the universal flow of abundance and leads to stagnation instead. Now I’m by no means encouraging you to become irresponsible but if you’re currently living out an existence that seems dull and uninspiring then it’s quite likely that your fear of losing something has locked you into a metaphorical prison.
Consider this: Security concerns have a massive influence on our decisions. It is a practical reality that every time we make a decision about our future, the monthly rent or mortgage are often the greatest considerations in whether we go for our dreams or not. As we get older, we buy bigger homes and take on higher mortgages; the bigger the mortgage, the less space for creativity, change, fun and risk taking. The need for security can crush our inspiration, destroy our dreams, paralyse our imagination and leave us in a place where we are left with huge feelings of emptiness. It can leave us feeling we have no choices, but it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to truly enjoy a life of fulfilment, you can by correctly exercising your divine creative talent; your imagination.
Table of Contents
Let’s paint a picture of a typical comfort zone that you may be familiar with. You live a typical modern-day life. House with a furry carpet, fridge full of beer or wine and a nice big Flat screen TV to binge on Netflix. On the whole your reasonably happy. You might have a partner, maybe you have kids. You have just enough money to cover the rent or mortgage and you have a clear idea of how much disposable income you have for little luxuries every month. The weekly routine is you go to work every day, come home, cook supper watch a bit of TV and look after the kids, if you have them.
You then go to bed then do the same thing again next day. You long for the weekends and Wednesdays can’t come quick enough!
One night when you’re scrolling on your smartphone, something comes on the screen, and for a brief moment your imagination is sparked. The mundane routine of your daily life disappears, and you begin to imagine how you would love your life to be, every day. You see yourself happy, fulfilled and excited about the future. You think for a moment how you would love to do this thing. – it may involve a change of job, career or lifestyle. In that split second you feel anything is possible, your dreams are awakened, and you feel free to play with all the possibilities in life. You want to take the chance.
In that moment you may turn to your partner or friend and with spontaneous enthusiasm, you share your thoughts … and their immediate responses “Are you mad! how would you be able to pay the bills or organise the kids if you were to do that!” You heart sinks, the image fades and in a split second your dream is taken away. Then you think to yourself, you’re right what was I thinking of?
For some of us it’s not our partner who sabotages our dreams. We often do it to ourselves. As we imagine how our life could be, the inner critic in our head reminds of how it would be too big a risk, we probably wouldn’t succeed and how crazy we are. The fear of losing what we already have is far too great and it’s just insane to jeopardize it all!
Well, I’m telling you it doesn’t have to be that way. The self-imposed captivity you might be in right now doesn’t have to remain. You see your consciousness is the gate way to every dream or ambition you may have. And when you know exactly how your consciousness operates, you can easily engineer a life that will literally have you jumping out of bed every morning!
The letters of fear as often used as an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. Fears of being separated from something or someone we feel we need for our security or happiness come from a delusion that is distorted. It’s an incorrect view of how we see ourselves in relation to the world around us. As Neville quite eloquently put it ” The whole world is your self-pushed out”.
Life is the quintessential mirror that’s located in time and space, life reveals who we are, rather the reason we are.
It reflects back to us the state of consciousness that we are occupying and that includes the so-called possession that come with that state. When we truly understand how these possessions are created and we know that we can create more, then we are released from the fear of loss.
“If man could only look upon the world as a world of appearance behind which the reality of imagining lay, he would find the truth, he would find god” Neville Goddard
It’s why I encourage anyone who wishes to become proficient in the art of conscious creation, to learn the fundamentals of how our consciousness relates to our perceived reality. In fact, when you truly understand this concept, you’ll come to realise that it your consciousness is the ONLY reality and this supposedly solid 3-dimensional world is just an illusion. Now there a revelation for the sceptics!
“All that I behold though it appears without it is within, in my imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow” WILLIAM BLAKE Jerusalem Part 71
Honestly, I feel it’s important to spend time exploring these concepts. Read and investigate these ideas, because as you learn and then try to adopt these new truths in your life, they will for sure be times when the dreaded ego mind will challenge them.
What do the experts say about a taking risks:
“Our brains aren’t designed to make us feel good. They are designed to do everything necessary for us to survive, regardless of how bad it makes us feel.” Prof Joel Levy
Simply put our brains or ego mind would prefer that we survive, even in total misery, rather than risk that we die happy. It’s no wonder left unchallenged this mode of thinking leaves so many people feeling unfulfilled. For those who want to break free and flourish they need to adopt a radical changing or their mindset.
The “real” truth is your consciousness is the gate way to all you can possibly wish to experience. By exercising your imagination and untapping this dormant power within, you can recover than inner creativity and experience happiness in your life. It’s how you get to discover the super powerful self. More importantly as you rediscover the real you, get to examine the false self-beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving you dreams
The topic of creative imagining is for another discussion, for now let’s focus on immediately shifting your mindset. As I said you can, through imagination move into any desired state. But as easily as this is done if you don’t have control over your inner dialogue, if you’re unable to keep this inner commentary consistent with our new desired state you can revert right back to the old unwanted state in no time. Right now, today you can start to get in charge of your mind and the narrative that’s currently on auto play. You see the moment you begin to control this dialogue you begin to control your destiny.
“But I know that all of us are victims of habit, and we get into the habit of this internal conversation that are not pleasant and we think that no one observes no one sees” Neville Goddard
Have you ever noticed how we are constantly talking to ourselves in our heads? If were not professing to know what other people are thinking or what their responses will be – were claiming to know what they really meant, despite what they said. It’s as if we all believe we have psychic abilities.
Whether we realise it or not, our inner thoughts and conversations profoundly impact us. We spend our entire lives having this inner dialogue, but because we believe no one hears them, we think they’re fairly inconsequential – how wrong!
“The most important conversation you have is the one you have with yourself, why? because you’re the only one who is listening” Bob Proctor
Whether were driving to work or lying next to our partner in bed or attempting to get that jerk chicken BBQed perfectly on the grill it’s delusional to think that the inner dialogue that’s going on 24/7 in our minds is of no significance.
Consider this, this same inner dialogue is never turned off, we listen to it all the time. It’s like a radio or television that is always on that we’ve gotten so used to; we barely hear it anymore. No one ever called a time out on our mind, blown a whist on it, and seen its cycle for what it is. Now if the general theme of this dialogue is negative and limiting, what kind of effect do you think it will have on our actions. You guessed it, a negative one. It’s like having a life coach accompanying you everywhere you go, however all he’s ever doing is telling you why you shouldn’t follow your dreams and why if you do your doomed to failure.
Mastery over your mind comes from a learned ability to choose what is best for yourself to think and feel. To not bullshit yourself but align yourself with your desires. Notice that I said a learned ability, because take it from one who knows, developing a habit of watching your inner dialogue and making sure it’s in congruence with your desires, is process that you need to learn, it’s a discipline that takes practice.
Neville called this process ” Pruning the Vine” and the only way to stop your mind from running wild and sabotaging those unfulfilled dreams is to catch it in the act. I mean actually put the act of catching it, on your daily to do list, instantly revise and go onto a positive thought that’s in line with you ideal.
” I start to prune the tree, by observing what I’m imagining in the course of a 24 hours, it becomes a habit and the next day i do a little bit better and the third day better still, by the end of the week I’m in the habit of watching what I’m imagining…. and don’t wait instantly prune it” NEVILLE GODDARD
As simple as it may sound to the sceptics out there, you do have a choice as to what thoughts to cultivate in your mind, and making sure that they align with your dreams. You can start today to become vigilante of your inner dialogue and make “pruning the vine” a daily habit. With time and practice this new governance of your inner conversations will reap huge benefits. As the old saying goes “don’t knock it until you try it and try it until you master it. Neville released and a recording in 1955 called Mental Diets, a profoundly insightful exploration of this concept with some really practical instructions.
I started this article with a reflective question, I wanted you to investigate what is really preventing you from going after those long-coveted wishes. Remember the minute you set your mind to achieve any big goal, your inner critic will almost definitely kick in. Anything that scares the crap out of you in pursuit of your dream, your head will try to talk you out of it will try to get you to take the safe option, to walk away, not to pick up the phone. In fact, anything to avoid discomfort. But hopefully you’ve seen that, by choosing to take charge of this inner critic and controlling the inner dialogue you’ll become free and empowered to make those big dreams come true.
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