Each Moment is a State of Consciousness in which YOU as GOD Assumed to be True

by Nov 21, 2022Neville Teachings0 comments

To anyone who has heard of Neville they are well aware of “state of consciousness.”  If someone asked you what “state of consciousness” means, would you be able to tell them?  From Neville’s Lecture “Three Propositions” from 1954 we can find his definition.  It goes like this

“Most of us do not even know what we mean by state of consciousness. To those who are here for the first time it is simply meant by state of consciousness, the sum total of All that a man believes and accepts and consents to as true.“

Did you know every moment you physically experience is a state of consciousness you assumed to be true at some point imaginally prior to it happening?

The moments as a student in a classroom
The moments as a teacher in a classroom

The moments shared with a lover
The moments shared by yourself

The moments shared as spending
The moments shared as investing

The moments shared blaming
The moments shared owning

The ice cream cone you lick
The glass of wine you savour

The nights of drunken love
The nights of sober shame

All moments reflect you As God.  The above, any and all experiences in between are all to be accepted lovingly as you are the Creator of Infinite States

“Don’t ever be ashamed ever of the being you are.  Discover it and start the change of that self.”  Neville Goddard, Changing the Feeling of I, 1954

Each state of consciousness you embody comes with its own built in reactions, decision navigation and bridges.

Any state you assume to be true, includes reactions that are completely natural for that state.  How you make decisions from that state are all natural for that state.  The entire experience is natural.  Zero resistance.  Notice and experience that for a moment.  

Right now are you aware of the state of consciousness you are assuming to be true right now?  You can also say, “Are you aware of the state of consciousness you are living from right now?”  

Go ahead a take a moment to discover the state you are living from right now.  Not sure how you can tell?  Here’s how you can tell.  

Go back to the beginning of your day and notice, “How did you navigate your day?  How were your reactions?  Loving? Unloving? Short tempered? Expansive? Worrisome?”

When you go back to discover, simply discover, don’t relive by reacting.  You discover by staying uncritical.  Here is what uncritical looks like, “It’s not good how I reacted.  It’s not bad how I reacted.  It’s simply how I reacted.  Period. No more stories.” 

You will notice a pattern.  This pattern is the state you are living from.  What you uncover doesn’t even need a name, all it needs is loving uncritical awareness versus justification filled with criticism.

This state you just uncovered is the state you more than likely are ready to shift from and slide into a new state of consciousness that again has it’s own built in reactions, decision navigation and bridges.  

Have fun noticing and discovering.  Remember the state of consciousness you assume to be true is what directs everything in the physical world.  If the physical world is not ideal, AS GOD, AS THE CREATOR, you have the keys to shift within, consciously.  Stay tuned for so much more.

State of Consciousness



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