by Oct 9, 2023Neville Teachings0 comments



It’s one of my favorite phrases and one my life coach used to tell me all the time. He would always remind me – “Michael it’s not the knowledge you acquire but its application that will expand your consciousness; it’s the only way to gain wisdom.” So with that in mind that will be the topic of this article.

“So, I warned you every time I have taken this platform that the knowledge you have is of no avail unless its applied. A little knowledge if carried out is more profitable than much knowledge which you neglect to carry out in action.” NEVILLE GODDARD

Wisdom requires not only knowledge but also understanding. Being a walking talking librarian certainly doesn’t make you wise. Let me illustrate what I mean: My favorite food is plantain, especially when its fried. Now assuming you’re not familiar with plantain and haven’t tasted it before, if I wanted you to know what it’s like to eat, I could give you all the information about it – it tastes similar to a banana, its sweet, smooth, succulent. “but you’ll never really know what it’s like until you actually eat it. Likewise with your spiritual expansion, being abstract by all means gain knowledge through books, workshops and audios but if you want to transform your life the knowledge needs to be applied.

“The claim that imagining creates reality needs no more consideration than is allowed by science. It proves itself in performance.” NEVILLE GODDARD.

Like you all, I seek to create the best possible life, one that fulfills and excites me everyday. I now see my life as an exciting practical education, a wonderful adventure where I can put this marvelous concept, the law of assumption to the test. Each time I do, I always gain a nugget of wisdom and my awareness of self-expands. When I follow that good feeling, I know I’m being led by intuition. If feeling is the secret of creation, then feeling good certainly is the key to happiness.

I Use To Be A Yo-Yo Practitioner

Daily on this blog, over at the academy and on all of our social media platforms I’ll post quotes and tips encouraging you to consciously imagine the best life possible. But what if I told you that for many years I was what I coin a “Yo-Yo practitioner”. I copied this term from the YO-Yo dieter. You know the one that jumps on every new fad that’s trending on social media only to fall of wagon and switch after a couple of weeks, I was so like this. I’d listen to a new LOA podcast, or read an article and for that day or two I was buzzing with enthusiasm. Visioneering, affirmations, vision boards, mantras, diets the list is endless. I’d follow the new trend zealously at first for few days, only for this to literally evaporate over the following days and weeks. Why oh why couldn’t I maintain this high and more importantly why couldn’t I enjoy the success and happiness that I was reading that other people were experiencing?

Well, it’s because what I was hearing stirred and inspired me, it resonated with me on an intellectual level because most metaphysical teachings do, however I wasn’t committed and persistent in my practice. In today’s culture we are so conditioned to have instant gratification, instant downloads, instant streaming and rapid delivery; It’s no wonder that companies like Amazon and Deliveroo are flourishing. It certainly explained why I often struggled, if I didn’t see instant results. If manifestations did happen straight away I was too quick to abandon the process and jump to the next new fad.

Whatever practice or concept you are following practise, practise practice and stay committed. Remember your probably coming to the process loaded with a tonne of preconceptions and limiting beliefs. These all have to be flushed out and overcome before you start to see real change. How long? Well, how long is a piece of string. My answer is if your committed to the process, then, as long as it takes, trust me it’ll be worth it in the end.


Spoiler alert here, but for obvious reasons I’m going to be bias when I say that I found the processes and methods taught by Neville Goddard such as SATS, Revision and Inner Dialogue the most practical and effective. I certainly don’t want to sound dogmatic by dismissing all the other LOA teachers out there but after years of trial and error and attending tonnes of workshops and trying countless courses I can conclude you’ll get the results you desire if you engineer your consciousness using the methods Neville taught.

Neville Goddard

For me the instructions from some of the other teachers were always fell short in some way. Either, too complicated, lacking detail and some just not having any real substance for whatever reason I found his concepts easy to apply and most importantly they worked! Also you should remember Neville Goddard taught for well over 40 years so there are a plethora of Lectures, audios and books, enough to provide answers for even the most cynical student.

“If you had all the knowledge in the world and didn’t put it into practice, you wouldn’t awaken.” Neville Goddard


To experience real permanent change and real transformation I had to have the experience. I can’t describe the elation l felt when I first consciously manifested something. Like I said before reading about it certainly is inspiring, “Wow I can change my future, by just imaging” who wouldn’t be at least curious. But boy oh boy nothing beats the sitting down imagining a state and then actually seeing its unfoldment in your life. When I first imagined that green ball and seeing it miraculously coming into my possession two weeks later, well I was hooked from that moment on. The Yo-Yo practitioner was gone for good.

Hey, my tribal friend I can honestly say. I’m extremely grateful to have discovered these principles, but what I’m even more profoundly thankful for are the lessons I’ve learned along this spiritual journey. I’ve managed to exceed boundaries and kick down doors I previously never thought possible…..How? By becoming a practitioner and not a theorist.. I practiced what I learned.

I see it all the time online, guys that are able to quote verbatim excerpts from Neville’s lectures, people who conceptually understand all that metaphysical stuff but when you take a closer inspection of their lives you see they aren’t applying it.. They are just walking, talking librarians.. lol

“I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.”— Tony Robbins

To really have an inner belief that all things are possible, to really believe in your own divinity there is no amount of reading and study that can give you that. Let me ask you this: When faced with that situation that scares the crap out of you or maybe when you’re trying to acquire that thing you’ve desired for years are you going to put this Law to the test? I speak from experience here; if you can, if trusting your imagination is the route you take then that’s when the real transformation occurs. YOU’LL ACQUIRE A WISDOM BEYOND WORDS.

In the past whenever I was faced with a crisis my ego would often literally try to hammer out a solution. With moderate success, it was limited because if ever I was faced with a challenge that my reasoning mind could not see a solution, then I just gave up. Not now, I’ve discovered a principle that by its nature says all things are possible.

“But I urge you practice, practice and continue to practice for you are moving into a world where all is imagination and you will create at will.” NEVILLE GODDARD

And that is how I want to end. If you haven’t done so yet, then it’s time to get practical and start testing this law, it’s how you’ll discover the wisdom to turn your dreams into reality. If you are already, then hopefully this will be a pleasant reminder to persist in your practice. Until next time…

The Inner Awakening Cercle



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