The Law of Attraction for Making Your Dreams Come True

by Mar 20, 2020Law Of Attraction0 comments

Law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. If you want to succeed and live your dreams, you can use the Law of Attraction to help manifest your desires. The Law of Attraction helps the universe bring you fulfillment and makes your dreams come true.
All dreams begin as your thoughts. What your mind wants becomes what your spirit dreams. When you take action for your thoughts, the universe knows what you desire and how you see yourself living your dreams. Your thoughts and actions help the universe to grant you the blessings of your dreams.
Because the Law of Attraction is like to like, you need to focus your thoughts and dreams on what you truly desire. Doubt, fear, and worry will only attract those issues back to you.
Instead, you can use the Law of attraction purposefully for good by:
• Making Your Thoughts and Dreams Clear
• Taking Action
• Being Positive
• Using Your Time Wisely
Making Your Thoughts and Dream Clear
If you send mixed signals to the universe about what you want, the universe will send you mixed blessings. You can only manifest what you send out because the Law of Attraction brings it back to you. Making your thoughts and dreams clear gives the universe the right roadmap to send you your dreams.
Consider the dream of having more money. What do you define as “more?” Your dream needs to be specific for the universe to grant your desire. The Law of Attraction will bring you more, but if you haven’t defined what more is to you, the Law of Attraction is left to answer your blessing vaguely. If what you want is to have enough money for a vacation, setting your intention for only “more money” may not fulfill your dream.

Taking Action

Once you’ve set a clear intention, think, and act, knowing that the blessing is yours. Don’t wait for your dream to manifest. Live every day, believing the Law of Attraction is working to help you. Too often, people ask the universe for something but don’t act toward their goal. Because the Law of Attraction is like attracts like, the changes you need in your life come when you take action to manifest your dreams.
Imagine your intention is to have a group of good friends to spend time with and do activities together. If you keep to yourself, don’t engage with other people, and ignore invitations to events, the Law of attraction can only bring you more of the same. Your actions determine what the Law of Attraction can provide. To have a good group of friends, you need to be open to meeting new people and act like a good friend.

Being Positive

Like attract like, right? Then negativity attracts negativity, and positive thoughts and actions attract positive manifestations. If you doubt, worry, or fear your success, the universe will not grant you your dreams. The negative thoughts and emotions you send out will come back to you through the Law of Attraction, and you won’t feel or believe you have received your desires.
A good example is sending out an intention for the perfect hairstyle for yourself. The Law of Attraction can grant you this desire, but not if you aren’t positive that the change will fulfill your dream. If you doubt that people will like your new hairstyle, or worry you aren’t pretty enough, that is exactly the response you will get from the universe.

Use Your Time Wisely

The universe grants your dreams at the right time. Sending out an intention but wasting your time by not acting toward or not believing in your manifestation often causes you to do the opposite of attracting what you want. The universe knows when you’re not ready to receive your blessing, and the Law of attraction will not bring it to you.
Perhaps you enjoy playing the piano. If your intention is to play on a stage for an audience, use your time wisely not only by practicing but by offering your service to places where you could play. The Law of Attraction will manifest your desire when you are prepared in mind, body, and spirit to accept your blessing. If you waste time by thinking no one will want you to play, the Law of Attraction can only manifest that doubt back to you.
Making your dreams come true is possible with the Law of Attraction. Using the Law of Attraction clearly, positively, actively, and wisely helps the universe grant you your true desires.

Bring you fulfillment and makes your dreams come true

All dreams begin as your thoughts. What your mind wants becomes what your spirit dreams. When you take action for your thoughts, the universe knows what you desire and how you see yourself living your dreams. Your thoughts and actions help the universe to grant you the blessings of your dreams.
Because the Law of Attraction is like to like, you need to focus your thoughts and dreams on what you truly desire. Doubt, fear, and worry will only attract those issues back to you.
Instead, you can use the Law of attraction purposefully for good by:

• Making Your Thoughts and Dreams Clear
• Taking Action
• Being Positive
• Using Your Time Wisely

Making Your Thoughts and Dream Clear
If you send mixed signals to the universe about what you want, the universe will send you mixed blessings. You can only manifest what you send out because the Law of Attraction brings it back to you. Making your thoughts and dreams clear gives the universe the right roadmap to send you your dreams.

Consider the dream of having more money. What do you define as “more?” Your dream needs to be specific for the universe to grant your desire. The Law of Attraction will bring you more, but if you haven’t defined what more is to you, the Law of Attraction is left to answer your blessing vaguely. If what you want is to have enough money for a vacation, setting your intention for only “more money” may not fulfill your dream.

Taking Action

Once you’ve set a clear intention, think, and act, knowing that the blessing is yours. Don’t wait for your dream to manifest. Live every day, believing the Law of Attraction is working to help you. Too often, people ask the universe for something but don’t act toward their goal. Because the Law of Attraction is like attracts like, the changes you need in your life come when you take action to manifest your dreams.

Imagine your intention is to have a group of good friends to spend time with and do activities together. If you keep to yourself, don’t engage with other people, and ignore invitations to events, the Law of attraction can only bring you more of the same. Your actions determine what the Law of Attraction can provide. To have a good group of friends, you need to be open to meeting new people and act like a good friend.

Being Positive

Like attract like, right? Then negativity attracts negativity, and positive thoughts and actions attract positive manifestations. If you doubt, worry, or fear your success, the universe will not grant you your dreams. The negative thoughts and emotions you send out will come back to you through the Law of Attraction, and you won’t feel or believe you have received your desires.

A good example is sending out an intention for the perfect hairstyle for yourself. The Law of Attraction can grant you this desire, but not if you aren’t positive that the change will fulfill your dream. If you doubt that people will like your new hairstyle, or worry you aren’t pretty enough, that is exactly the response you will get from the universe

Use Your Time Wisely

The universe grants your dreams at the right time. Sending out an intention but wasting your time by not acting toward or not believing in your manifestation often causes you to do the opposite of attracting what you want. The universe knows when you’re not ready to receive your blessing, and the Law of attraction will not bring it to you.


Perhaps you enjoy playing the piano. If your intention is to play on a stage for an audience, use your time wisely not only by practicing but by offering your service to places where you could play. The Law of Attraction will manifest your desire when you are prepared in mind, body, and spirit to accept your blessing. If you waste time by thinking no one will want you to.



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