
Neville Goddard’s Interpretation of Scripture is a truly enlightening.In his 10 books and over 250 lectures he decodes the Bible in such a light that the real meaning can finally be known.

“Many who enjoy the old familiar verses of Scripture are discouraged when they themselves try to read the Bible as they would any other book because, quite excusably, they do not understand that the Bible is written in the language of symbolism. Not knowing that all of its characters are personifications of the laws and functions of mind; that the Bible is psychology rather than history, they puzzle their brains over it for a while and then give up. It is all too mystifying. To understand the significance of its imagery, the reader of the Bible must be imaginatively awake”. – Neville Goddard

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11 Books

300 Lectures
Neville Goddard was born in 1905 and died in 1972.He was one the foremost pioneers of the concept of the LAW “imagining creates reality”. He left an incredible impact on the world with his esoteric teachings.

On his passing he amassed an incredible library of spiritual teachings. With nearly 300 lectures and 11 books this collection is outstanding and comprehensive in its instructions of the Law.

We here at Truecosmic have not only assembled a complete collection of his works ,but we have organised and categorised then to improve your access and study. Viewable and download able PDF as well as MP3 audios have been organised and catalogued  for your perusal.

We invite you to explore this priceless collection of mystical works. The truth of who you are and your destiny is to be found within his writings. Discover the real creative power behind everything you behold, and learn through the world’s Greatest Mystic how you can harness this power which resides within you.

Prepare to be amazed!

The Law

Everyone is free to create his world as he wants it, if he knows that the whole thing is responding to him.

The Law & The Promise

You are infinitely greater than you think you are. Reverse your thinking, think of yourself as God and you will have an entirely different feeling about it.

The Promise

The discovery of the God within is the one far of divine event to which creation moves. God is buried in humanity… and he will rise in the individual as his own wonderful human imagination.

Audio Recordings

The discovery of the God within is the one far of divine event to which creation moves. God is buried in humanity… and he will rise in the individual as his own wonderful human imagination.

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The Law

The Law & The Promise

The Promise

Audio Recordings

Going Into The Silence

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Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. Learn modern adaptations of Neville Goddard’s teachings.

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