The law
IMAGINATION CREATES REALITY Your own wonderful human imagination is the actual creative power of God within you. It is your savior. If you were thirsty, water would be your savior. If you needed a job, employment would be your savior. Your imagination is the power...
Imagination Fulfills Itself
IMAGINATION FULFILLS ITSELF I say imagination creates reality, and if this premise is true then imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes. Although I have changed the words, what I am saying is not new. Scripture says it in this manner: "Whatsoever you...
Imagining Creates
IMAGINING CREATES The creator of the world works in the depth of your soul, underlying all of your faculties, including perception, and streams into your surface mind least disguised in the form of creative fancy. Watch your thoughts, and you will catch Him in the...
Is Christ Your Imagination
IS CHRIST YOUR IMAGINATION Tonight’s subject is in the form of a question: “Is Christ your Imagination?” When we ask the question we expect the answer in terms of our current background of thought, and quite often that is not adequate to frame the answer. Now, I am...
Lesson 1 Consciousness is the Only Reality
CONSCIOUSNESS IS THE ONLY REALITY This is going to be a very practical Course. Therefore, I hope that everyone in this class has a very clear picture of what he desires, for I am convinced that you can realize your desires by the technique you will receive here...
Lesson 2 Assumptions Harden into Fact
ASSUMPTIONS HARDEN INTO FACT consciousness into another unless he releases from consciousness that which he now entertains, for it anchors him where he is. You and I may go to physical feasts year after year as the sun enters the great sign of Aries, but it means...
Lesson 3 Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally
THINKING FOURTH-DIMENSIONALLY There are two actual outlooks on the world possessed by every man, and the ancient story tellers were fully conscious of these two outlooks. They called the one "the carnal mind," and the other "the mind of Christ." We recognize these...
Lesson 4 No One to Change but Self
NO ONE TO CHANGE BUT SELF May I take just a minute to clarify what was said last night. A lady felt from what I said last night that I am anti one nation. I do hope that I am not anti any nation, race or belief. If perchance I used a nation, it was only to...
Lesson 5 Remain Faithful to Your Idea
REMAIN FAITHFUL TO YOUR IDEA Tonight we have the fifth and last lesson in this course. First I shall give you a sort of summary of what has gone before. Then, since so many of you have asked me to elaborate further on Lesson 3, I shall give you a few more ideas on...
Live In The End
LIVE IN THE END I daresay that everyone here would say, “Yes,” to the statement of Scripture, “With God, all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27) I don’t think you’d be here if you did not believe in God, and the God to whom all things are possible. But maybe we stop...
Live The Answer Now
LIVE THE ANSWER NOW Every fact is a dream made visible, so I invite you to live as though your dream were already a fact! I am convinced that every dream (desire) I have dared to live in the now has gradually and unnoticed blossomed into fact in my life. I also...
Miracle Meditation for the Modern Life
Miracle meditation is taking place everywhere. Somewhere in an urban city, a group of workers is sitting together, eyes half-closed, listening to the sound of their breath. In another place, the owner of an artisan bakery is starting her day by engaging in yoga...

Going Into The Silence
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Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. Learn modern adaptations of Neville Goddard’s teachings.
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