5 Similarities Holographic Creation and Neville Goddard Teachings

by Apr 25, 2022Neville Teachings, Esoteric Knowledge0 comments

Holographic Creation

Holographic creation and Neville’s Teachings


If there is something tonight that you really want in this world then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh where you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption.

Neville Goddard The 1948 Classroom Lessons.


The techniques of holographic creation and the methods taught by Neville Goddard are strikingly similar. Essentially holographic creation is a modern interpretation of the methods taught by Neville Goddard in his book Feeling Is The Secret.

Below are listed the five similarities in theses techniques.

1. Present tense.

Holographic creation is a present activity. Neville always taught when imagining we should do this in the present tense. You build your creations in the present, not in the future. Your focus must be in the now.

2. Actual Creation vs. Pictures

Holographic creation is literally creating something. Holographic Creations are real entities. They are made of matter (just a more refined matter – not visible to the naked eye).

So what is the similarity with Nevilles teachings.  He, through the use of our imagination encourages us to create a scene that would imply the fulfillment of our desires.  This created scene or state through persistent assumption grows to become something real that we experience.

3. Permanent vs. Short Lived

A properly constructed holographic creation has the power of permanence. They have continued existence after they are created. They grow independently while you go on to do other things.

This is precisely what Neville meant when he said the creative act only happens once. Creation is finished.

4. Inner World vs. Outer World

Holographic creation is focused on creation in the inner world of thought, light, energy, and sound. In reality, it’s all energy.

You know that the outer manifestation of your thought creations are simply a natural result of the inner manifestation.
This is just another way of saying the whole world is yourself pushed out.
As Neville taught all objective states or manifestations are a reflection of our inner world.


Holographic creation generates amazing hope and confidence.

When your energies are aligned, and you absolutely know you are creating in the inner reality, you euphoric! You can feel
your creations growing and crystallizing into the “denser” physical reality.

Hope is a full expectation of desirable things to come. With holographic creation, you have this. When you assume
the state of the wish fulfilled your living in the end, walking in complete confidence that your manifestation into this 3d world is on its way.

These are just a few of the similarities between the two methods. In our blog the state akin to sleep you can explore the techniques in more depth.

Expanding On Feeling Is The Secret

The laws and methodology of reality have been revealed to us since ancient times. For thousands of years long preceding recorded history, the wisest were teaching men that which is now being proved by quantum physics.

The terms and names attributed to methods may have changed but essentially they are the same. Our beliefs, assumptions, self identification and imagination are the ingredients to manifesting.

“whatsoever things you desire believe you have received them and they shall be yours“

Feeling is the secret is a slight publication only containing 5 chapters but it really simplifies an often overcomplicated concept.

So profound is this publication that over at our online academy we had a 12 week book study group going into all aspects of reality creation.

Each and every one of us are endowed with all the necessary tools to become true masters of our lives and destinies. Take that important step and jump over to our academy and learn the powerful method of holographic creation that you can see are just Neville’s methods reframed.




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