How to Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind

by Mar 15, 2021Neville Teachings, N.L.P0 comments

Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind

    Communicate With Your Subconscious Mind

Communicate with Your Subconscious Mind

Typically, we never give our minds any conscious thought. We go about our days
and continue living life the way we’ve always lived. It is only during moments of
conflict and quiet reflection that we normally begin to ponder on our actions, or
what drove them.

It is only when we get disrupted that we try to search inside for answers, yet this
is the first place we should look. In fact all of our problems’ solutions are nowhere to
be found outside but within ourselves. We can uncover powerful truth and insight
by getting to know our minds better.
Several studies have unraveled some of the dynamics of the human mind.

Researchers say that conscious thought only makes up 5% of our brain activity,
while the rest 95% are on autopilot, controlled  by the subconscious.

Consciousness includes a subconscious as well as a conscious part. The infinitely greater part of consciousness lies below the sphere of the objective consciousness. The subconscious is the most important part of consciousness. It is the cause of voluntary action. The subconscious is what a man is. The conscious is what a man knows.N

NEVILLE. Prayer The Art Of Believing


Our conscious thought may be highly vulnerable to forgetfulness, exhaustion, and is creatively limited, but the subconscious mind is virtually impeccable in design.

The subconscious mind runs most of our brain activity, driving us to think the way
we normally think, to feel things as we do, to behave and react to certain stimulus
on a day-to-day basis. If there’s anything we need to change in our lives in a major
way, any manifestation then it’s to the subconscious mind that we seek the expression.

Changes in life can be successfully started on a subconscious level. So tap into the
power of your subconscious mind when…

You Are Making a Change

Tapping into our subconscious mind can help us get through a change. Our
thought patterns and behaviors are deeply ingrained in our subconscious.

Infact Neville went as far to say:

The whole of creation is asleep within the deep of man and is awakened to objective existence by his subconscious assumptions.

Whenever we try to cause a change, we are disrupting the work of our subconscious mind.

It seeks to protect our habits and long-term life programming, ensuring we operate the same way at all times. Introducing changes may not be happily received by the subconscious right away, making the experience inconvenient and nearly impossible to sustain. But the moment it does, the subconscious mind takes over, and it gets easier and our response will become automatic in time.

You Are Out Of Ideas and Solutions To Difficult Problems

While our conscious mind is vulnerable to forgetting things, feeling exhausted,
sleepy, and has run out of ideas, the subconscious mind neither sleeps nor forgets things. When you think about something long enough and add intense emotions into it, your subconscious will pick up on that and incubate the idea long after you have given up actively working on it.

By communicating with your subconscious mind, you can request for it to work
out the problem for you and  give you a solution. This has worked effectively for many of the great minds of the past and present. Infact all things are possible to the subconscious mind once an impression is made it finds its own way fir the expression.

You Want To Get Something Done

We have to be our subconscious mind’s own friend and partner. It is powerful
enough to make things happen, and it also plays a major role in helping us create
our desired reality. Let your subconscious mind understand what you want by
communicating clearly with it. Yes, you can communicate with your subconscious
mind! Request its assistance when you need help in life.

Here are ways to effectively communicate with your powerful subconscious mind.

Be Clear About What You Desire

Do not confuse your subconscious mind by sending it mixed messages. Before you
communicate with it, make sure you are clear about the outcome that you want.
Your subconscious mind will need to focus on one strong intention at a time. You
run the risk of not being properly understood if you keep changing your mind
about your desires. Being intentional is an essential part of the process.


Communicate With Your Subconscious Through SATS

Our subconscious holds a infinite amount of ideas, memories, and knowledge so you can challenge it  to remember specific details from long ago. The subconscious has got it on file and under lock and key, ready to reveal to you the answers you need when you ask.Mastering The State Akin To Sleep


Communicate with your subconscious by imagining a scene where you have solved the issue. This is especially
helpful when you’re trying to come up with creative solutions to problems that
you can’t solve on your own.

Be creative in your scene, always going to the end which assumes the problem is solved. Go into the State Akin To Sleep, then give it space to incubate in your subconscious and summon it to manifest the solution  for you. Without doubt Nevilles instructions on how to the impress the subconscious are the most powerful and effective.

Once you have completed this exercise walk in the assumption that your problem is solved. Believe in your Imaginal Act and your subconscious will deliver an answer to you at the proper time. Eureka moments are often messages from our subconscious.

Be Affirmative, Not Negative

You rarely talk to a child in a similar way that you speak to an adult. In most cases,
you make your communication simple, clear, and capable of being visualized in
their minds (detailed). Apparently, this is how the subconscious mind works. A
positive affirmation is a good example.
Your subconscious mind doesn’t speak in foreign languages like English, Chinese,
or Latin, but it understands simple and clear words.


Always highlight solutions,
not the problem you want to overcome. Speak in the first person present tense, not in past or future tenses. Like talking to a child, simple and clear gets the message across to your subconscious. And finally, repetition is essential.



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