Neville Goddard 5 Hidden Secrets To Change Your Future

by Jul 5, 2020Neville Teachings1 comment


Neville Goddard hidden Secrets

Revealed The Hidden Secrets To Change Your Future

Supposing you could actually change future events in your life even though the outcome seemed impossible. Well Neville Goddard taught such a technique. If you were to leave your home today, I’m almost certain that you would have some idea of where your going. If you got into your car and set off on a journey and used a sat nav you would have to input a destination.

I’m using this analogy to illustrate that with a manifestation simlarily it must have an end, a destination. Vagueness leads nowhere.You must be definitive and clear as to what you want.

When it comes to Manifesting Neville Goddard in his many works gave us instructions on the process of changing your future. But he always taught that we should start by going to the end, a definitive end. We have listed below the key steps you need to take:


Define Your End

As mentioned in the paragraph above,  you must in your mind be clear what you want. If there is a problem that you have in your life then determine in your mind what should happen to alleviate the problem. Remember every problem has a solution.


Construct A Scene

In your minds eye, in your imagination create a scene that would Imply that you have achieved your goal. This is where the fun begins because there is no limit to your imagination. You have full creative licence to imagine what ever would imply your achieved desire.

For example suppose you wanted to be happily married, you would more than likely have a wedding ring. So you could imagine a close friend complimenting your ring and you’d reply how happy you are since your wedding. Notice that this scene has two assumptions., your married and happy too.


Go Into The State Akin To Sleep

Neville Goddard instructs us to then get ourselves in a state akin to sleep. To do this we must still the body and go into a meditative state. Ideally this would be just before you fall asleep. Todays scientist refer to this as the hypnagogic state. When you reach this state in consciousness, you must then participate in the scene you just created. However you must enact the scene as if it’s happening in the here and present, not way off in the distant future.

The entire emotional experience is different when you imagine and engage in the present (I AM) tense. Such emphasis was put upon this ,that Neville said it was the difference between success and failure.

Another important point is that you must view this in the 1st person not second person perspective. The illustration below shows the right and wrong way you visualize driving a car.Notice the subtle difference.

Neville Goddard hidden Secrets

You Must Merge With The State

Next we are told that whilst in this state with minimal effort we must allow this to permeate our minds with the feeling. Having, doing or being the thing desired we must immerse ourselves in the feeling of its achievement. The creative act is finished the seed has been planted.Remember the manifestation will objectify from your state of being.

Now Just Relax

Finally he instructs us to in his own words:

“go about your business, not doubting but believing that your wish has been fulfilled. Your greater self ,the real you will go about to create the means to reveal your desire.

This seems if anything too simple ,but Neville was quite clear that’s the means and how are not your concern. Circumstances or a “bridge of incidents” as he liked to call it would reveal your manifestation to you.

A more detailed exploration of this technique can be found in his lecture Consciousness Is The Only Reality (lesson1).
As with most things with more practice comes more proficiency, so I encourage you give it a try ,test it and be prepared to be amazed.



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1 Comment

  1. Roshan

    How many days should I imagine ?


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