Unlocking Reality Through Touch: Neville Goddard’s Western Gate Technique

by Sep 3, 2024Neville Teachings0 comments

Unlocking Reality Through Touch Neville Goddard's Western Gate Technique

In the landscape of metaphysical and the exploration of consciousness, Neville Goddard’s teachings offer a profound perspective on the power of imagination and its role on shaping our reality. Among his various insights the concept “Western Gate,” focusing on the sense of touch, stands out as a pivotal techniques for manifesting and transforming one’s life. This article explores Neville Goddard’s Western Gate and how to access it. We delve into the critical role of touch in imagination and explore how the homunculus supports this theory, offering a fascinating blend of metaphysical thought and neuroscience.

“This lady learned to use the Western Gate closed in most of us which is touch… I cannot stress too much the use of touch or the Western Gate. I have seen people take their imaginary pay checks and touch them. They had brought the other senses of seeing, and hearing comments, etc, but when they brought the sense of touch it worked like charm”, Neville Goddard -North Of The Strip

Building A Rich Inner World With Your Senses

When visualising, replicating the stimuli of our five senses enhances the vividness and realism of the mental imagery. Neville Goddard emphasises that the more detailed and the more immersive the visualisation, the more it resonates with our subconscious mind. By incorporating sensory experiences such as sight, sound, touch and smell into our mental images we create a more compelling and convincing representation. This heightened sensory engagement not only makes the visualisation seem more authentic but also triggers a stronger emotional response, re -enforcing the belief of the desired outcome and facilitating the manifestation process. In essence the mind responds more powerfully to stimuli that closer mirror the richness of our “real” world sensory experiences.

The Essence of the Western Gate

“Look as though you saw , listen as though you heard, stretch forth your hand as though you touched … and your assumptions will harden into facts.” NEVILLE GODDARD , proposed that imagination is the divine force within us, capable of transcending the limits of the physical world. The Western Gate concept is a testament to this belief, that the imagination is the creative origin of all that we see as real. Th Western Gate highlights the sense of touch as one such gateway to unlocking the power of imagining to realise our manifestation. Neville posited that engaging the sense of touch while visualising a desired outcome not only intensifies the experience, but also bridges the gap between the imagined and the tangible. This method is illustrated through the story of a lady who, despite having very limited finances and being told it was impossible, successfully manifested a year long holiday tour in Europe. How was this achieved?

By vividly imagining gripping the iron fence surrounding Buckingham Palace!”I had seen a current motion picture featuring the area around Buckingham Palace and had promptly fallen in love with the scene.All I did in my imagination was to stand quietly outside the great iron gates and feel the cold metal bars gripped tightly in my hands as I viewed the palace” Neville Goddard -The Law and The Promise

This anecdote underscores a fundamental principle of Neville’s teachings: the tangible power of tactile imagination. By incorporating the sense of touch, individuals can imbue their visualisations with a deeper sense of reality, thereby enhancing the manifestation process. Neville’s insight suggests that when we imagine touching an object or experiencing a situation, we open the “closed” Western Gate, allowing our desires to materialise in the physical world.

The Homunculus and the Western Gate


I always find it fascinating when these ancient mystical teachings align with modern science. To me it just provides additional reinforcement of their truth and buttresses my faith in these concepts. In the filed of neuroscience the concept of the homunculus, a representation of the body in the brain that is proportionally mapped according to the sensitivity and motor function of different parts, intriguingly supports Neville Goddard’s emphasis on touch. The sensory and motor homunculi illustrate that a significant portion of the brain’s resources is dedicated to processing tactile information, underscoring the profound impact of touch on perception and interaction with the world. From a neurological perspective, engaging the sense of touch activates specific areas of the brain associated with sensation and perception, creating a powerful and vivid imprint of the imagined experience. Let’s explore this a little further and see how the ancient concepts were years ahead of their time.

1. Big Lips and Big Hands

The homunculus essentially shows parts of the body based on how much brain space is dedicated to them. Notably you see the figures big lips and hands. These features are large because the brain has more nerves controlling and sensing these areas. This means they need more brain power for movement and feeling. The large representation of hands and lips in the homunculus indicates that these areas can provide rich sensory feedback. Notably when you imagine touching or feeling something, the same parts of the brain light up, making the imaginal scene more vivid and emotionally engaging

2. Sensitive Areas

Lips, hands and face are very sensitive and require precise movement. So they take up more space in the brain. This explains why the homunculus looks so funny because it shows which parts of the body need the most brain attention. This aligns with Goddard’s Western Gate technique, suggesting that the act of touching or feeling within the realm of imagination can effectively signal the brain to interpret these imagined sensations as real, thereby influencing one’s external reality. The homunculus model, with its emphasis on the tactile, provides a scientific foundation for the transformative potential of touch in imagination and manifestation

Application and Implications

” Let us return now to the sense of touch. Think of something that you would touch if your desire were objectively real. Money for instance , can be touched and it even has an odour. These are the senses Isaac use. When Jacob came close , Isaac touched him and said : ” you feel like my son Esau and you have his odour.” Then he blessed , Jacob and strangely enough, when Isaac discovered he was self deceived he could not reverse his blessing” NEVILLE GODDARD ULTIMATE SENSE LECTURE

From a neuroscience perspective we can see how engaging in the sense of touch during visualisation increases brain activity. Strikingly Neville Goddard’s Western Gate technique encourages practitioners to actively engage their sense of touch in visualisation exercises. For instance, if one desires a new job, whilst visualising the scene they might incorporate the sensation of shaking hands with their new employer or touching the desk at their new office. Most self help techniques teach visualisation as primarily a visual or auditory process. Neville’s methods go beyond this, the mystic encouraged creating a multi sensory experience, utilising all the senses including touch ,that can more profoundly influence the subconscious mind and align one’s internal state with their external goals.

The implications of integrating the Western Gate technique are vast, offering a holistic approach to manifestation that encompasses not just the mind, but the body’s senses as well. It invites individuals to explore the depth of their imagination, utilising the full spectrum of sensory experiences to actualise their desires.

Training Your Imaginative Sense Of Touch

“when you bring touch you open the Western Gate and then nothing seems impossible” Neville Goddard -North Of The Strip

Neville in his many lectures and mystical books gave specific instructions on how to open the western gate. He devised simple exercises to develop and enhance our tactile experiences when imagining. In his lecture “Walk by Faith” he mentions a short exercise you can easily try in the comfort of your home. Set aside time. Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can get into the silence without distractions. Close your eyes as visualise as follows: (In your imagination)..

“feel a piece of glass, now feel a baseball. Does the baseball feel like glass? Can you feel a tennis ball? Does it feel like a baseball or a piece of glass? Can you feel a piece of cloth, a violet or a piano? Do they feel alike? Of course not. That’s the spiritual sensation- a vivid way of seeing, hearing, tasting and feeling reality” NEVILLE GODDARD WALK BY FAITH

Vivid Sensory Engagement

This simple little exercise you can easily replicate with different household objects. Each time as you practice, pay particular attention to the tactile differences. The more one practices to recognise these differences and vividly imaging them, in turn strengthens your visualisation skills. According to the mystics the more life like and detailed your imaginal act is , the more effective it will be in becoming your reality. This exercise also demonstrates the importance of spiritual sensation particularly the sense of touch during visualisation, which in turn encourages a vivid and life like mental image. As mentioned before vividness is crucial in making the imaginary scene more receptive to the subconscious mind.

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Neville Goddard’s Western Gate technique presents a compelling method for harnessing the power of imagination through the sense of touch. Supported by the neurological insights provided by the homunculus, this approach offers a richer, more embodied practice of manifestation. When you imagine touching or feeling something more parts of he brain light up making the imaginary scene more realistic an emotionally engaging By opening the Western Gate and engaging the tactile dimension of our dreams, we unlock a potent avenue for bringing our deepest desires into reality. As we explore the boundaries of imagination and touch, we discover that the key to transforming our lives lies within our ability to feel and believe in the possibilities that await us.

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