Meditation Made Easy Secrets To Success

Meditation Made Easy Have you tried meditation? Do you find it challenging to sit for extended time periods with an empty mind? Are you worried about this situation? Well! Don't worry; distractions have to occur, but you should be determined enough to overcome these...

Revealed Kundalini Warning signs of awakening

Kundalini warning signs of awakening According to the writers who write about their experiences and Kundalini warning signs of awakening.  It is known that when a person's Kundalini is raised without their knowledge, it can adversely effect them mentally as well as...

Top 11 Best Crystals For Manifesting

THE BEST CRYSTALS FOR MANIFESTING Many people who successfully practice  law of attraction, always use the best crystals for their manifesting practice. Manifesting and using cosmic law is  as a way of their life to many. People who believe in these cosmic laws ...

Kundalini Spirit versus Holy spirit

Kundalini Spirit versus Holy Spirit: Have you ever thought of a thing called Kundalini spirit versus Holy Spirit? It wasn't until recent years that Kundalini was a concept that western culture was unaware of. Most of the Wed had thought that Kundalini was just a part...

Welcome To The Real World Wake up in The Matrix?

It's time to open your eyes and wake up from the Illusion. Welcome To The Real World in today's article, we will discover the true reality of our existence. The Matrix Movie franchise is one of my favorites I’m a huge fan and last week I was watching the latest in the...

An Epic Quest Brings Doctor Strange to Marvel: Future Fight

Released in 2016 Doctor Strange was the 14th film released in the marvel cinematic universe and for all those who have an interest in metaphysics, it’s one of the most iconic and rewatchable films to date. While the central theme remains a superhero story, Doctor...

5 Similarities Holographic Creation and Neville Goddard Teachings

  If there is something tonight that you really want in this world then experience in imagination what you would experience in the flesh where you to realize your goal and deafen your ears, and blind your eyes to all that denies the reality of your assumption....

Victimization Biggest Rejection of The Power Of I AM

Victimization The Biggest  Rejection of IAMness. Consider this statement from Neville Goddard The world is my conditioned consciousness objectified. That which I feel and believe to be true of myself is now projected in space as my world. The world, my mirrored self,...

Discover How Quantum Physics and Law of attraction will change your life

Quantum physics and Law of Attraction Do you know the relationship between Quantum physics and Law of attraction? If not! Then give this article a thorough read because here we are going to describe how quantum physics is linked with Law of attraction. Without any...

It Was Told of a Certain Potter” Abd Allah by Walter C. Lanyon

"It Was Told of a Certain Potter” Abd Allah by Walter C. Lanyon Chapter 1 Abd Allah, the Potter AND the sun streaming in through the eastern window awakened Abd Allah, the potter. He stretched his lithe, muscular body luxuriously and, rubbing his eyes, sat up. The boy...

Assume The Wish Fulfilled And Dig Your Ditches.

Anthony Hopkins A Student Of Neville ? Assuming the wish fulfilled as Neville Goddard taught means a complete transformation of mind. We are also encouraged to metaphorically  "dig our ditches". It was a few weeks ago whilst casually browsing through my Instagram feed...

7 Laws Of The Universe The Kybalion

  The Laws Of The Universe If you are on your path of a spiritual journey and are looking for ways to further your growth, then this article is meant to reach you. Hermetic principles of the Kybalion can work in conjunction with the laws of universe to help you...

Esoteric Knowledge

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