Neville Goddard: Exploring the Fundamental Teachings of a Visionary

by Jun 21, 2023Neville Teachings0 comments

Neville Goddard was a Supreme Imagination Coach in the New Thought movement of the mid-20th century. He was one of the pioneers of the “law of assumption” his teachings & techniques focused on the power of the human imagination and its ability to shape reality. Neville Goddard’s philosophy emphasizes the concept of “imagination creates reality,” asserting that our thoughts and beliefs have a direct influence on the circumstances and events we experience in our lives.

The fundamental teachings of Neville Goddard, exploring key concepts such as –

  1. The power of assumption,
  2. The importance of living from the end, and
  3. The role of imagination in manifesting ideals /desires.

1. The Power of Assumption

According to Neville Goddard, assumption is the key to manifesting our desires. He believed that ASSUME THE FEELING of already having what we desire is the most potent creative force at our disposal. FEELING – is with all your 5 senses. Eg: feel holding a tennis ball in one hand & a orange in another . As if you are holding it now feel, touch, see, taste.

By embodying the desired state, we align ourselves with the reality we wish to experience. Goddard emphasized that it is not enough to merely wish for something; we must enter into a state of consciousness where the wish fulfilled is accepted as true. This requires a deep sense of conviction and unwavering faith in the power of our assumptions.It’s like you are not watching a movie on the screen you are the actor director in the movie.

2. Living in the End

Another fundamental teaching of Neville Goddard is the concept of “ LIVING IN THE END “He encouraged individuals to focus on the desired outcome rather than getting caught up in the 3D. Totally ignoring the 3D . By mentally residing in the state of the wish fulfilled, with FEELINGS to it. Eg: You want a travel to a beach with your spouse, see yourself with your spouse in that destination. You are walking on the beach hand in hand. You can feel the gentle wind carress your skin water, sand moving through your feet. It is full moon & you both are having dinner & soft violin is being played. The more you juice the feeling from the end – imaginating , the creative forces of the universe to bring our desires into reality. Goddard emphasized the importance of PERSISTENTLY maintaining this mental state, regardless of 3D, until the desired reality becomes true.

Living in the End

3. The Role of Imagination

Imagination occupies a central position in Neville Goddard’s teachings. It is the bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, a medium through which we can impress our desires upon the subconscious. Goddard believed that the imagination has the power to shape reality, as our 3D are a reflection of our internal mental images. To change something outside in the world you have to change your inner conversation.By vividly and emotionally visualizing with feelings our desires, we plant seeds in the subconscious mind that germinate and manifest in our physical reality. According to Neville, imagination is not limited by the laws of our current reality / 3-D reality. It is a state of infinite possibilities waiting to be explored – you as the Director, Producer, Actor creates.

The Role of Imagination

Neville Goddard’s teachings revolve around the principle that imagination creates reality. By understanding and applying concepts such as the power of assumption, living in the end, and the role of imagination, individuals can transform their lives and manifest all their desires. Goddard’s teachings encourages us to tap into the creative power within us and take responsibility for the thoughts & beliefs. Through persistent practice and unwavering faith, we align ourselves with the reality/state we wish.

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