7 Keys Neville Goddard Fundamentals that Guarantee Success In life

by Dec 23, 2023Neville Teachings0 comments


Neville Goddard was a mystic within the self-help and spiritual realm. He began his career in 1932 and by the time he passed away in 1972 he left us with 10 books and hundreds of lectures. He viewed the bible as a parable of the human consciousness as opposed to a compilation of historical stories. Here at Truecosmic, much of what we focus on is the teachings and principles of this influential 20th-century spiritual teacher. His philosophy revolves around the power of imagination, manifestation, and the concept that we create our reality through our thoughts and beliefs. In this article we cover seven key fundamentals of his teachings that will guarantee you success in life, regardless of your current circumstance.

“Your consciousness is the cause of your world. The conscious state in which you abide determines the kind of world you live in” Neville Goddard


“What is now proved was once only imagined” William Blake

Look about your immediate environment, everything that you can experience with your senses, was first originated in someone’s imagination. This secret revealed by the ancient seers and mystics, was also the great truth that Neville fervently taught throughout his career. Once someone learns to unlock the creative power of their imagination, he/ she would have the keys to a life of their own design. Rather than being on the effect of life, man through his consciousness becomes the cause. This unlimited capacity is a power we all possess, given to us as our birth right. Today, in modern science quantum physics confirms that the universe is made of formless spirit and that the supposedly solid world of matter is not the origin of form but starts from something akin to your imagination. It’s the foundation principle of Neville’s teachings: “Imagination Creates reality.” and no one teaches better how to untap this power. It’s what truly sets him apart for all other self-help teachers.


” Man, by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled, alters his future in harmony with his assumption, for, assumptions though false, if sustained, will harden into fact” Neville Goddard

Another core concept in Neville Goddard’s teachings is, your assumptions and how they influence your manifestation. Neville teaches that your daily most consistent assumptions shape your experiences. By consciously assuming the identity of your desired outcome, you accelerate its manifestation. A simple shift in your assumption can instantly shift your perception of your reality.

“What you observe when you look on something depends not so much on what is there as on the assumption you make when you look. what you believe to be a physical world is only an assumptive world”

In other words, you would not define your husband in the same way as your mother, yet you are both defining the same person. ” Neville Goddard

When you achieve self-mastery, you’ll be able to choose an assumption that align with your desired manifestation. As you perceive the world mentally as you would physically were your wish were already a fact, almost magically your reality will align to it. No other teacher in self-help and conscious creation teaches this. Not to be confused with the Law of Attraction, this Law of Assumption is unique to Neville Goddard


Revision is the art of transforming Past Experiences in fact the great mystic himself said: ” “I firmly believe that if you will wisely and daily use the pruning shears of revision that you will find there is no objective beyond your ability to realise.” Neville Goddard

It’s the one process that Neville Goddard believed, if you were able to master, then no wish, no goal, no desire could not be achieved. Now let’s delve into the technique of revision, a powerful tool in Neville Goddard’s arsenal. Revision is essentially when, in your consciousness you revisit and revise past experiences you are able to align them with your desired reality. By changing the meaning of past events, you reshape your present and future. It’s remarkably effective and you can or wish to have a future aligned with your desires then learn how to revise!


“Every feeling makes a subconscious impression and unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of the opposite nature, must be expressed” Neville Goddard

Did you know integral to the Manifestation process is feelings and emotions. Most LOA methods out there, teach that you should feel as if something is already yours in order to manifest it into reality. Unfortunately, where their processes fall down, is that they don’t teach you how to feel that feeling. The fantastic thing about Neville’s methods is that due to his profound understanding of this concept, he teaches you precisely how to achieve that desired feeling with real efficacy. Just imagine if you could choose a desire, immerse yourself in the emotions of having that desire and actually feel as if it were already true. Picture your self-allowing those emotions to guide your thoughts and actions throughout the day. His really powerful method of being able to occupy a “desired state” is easy to achieve when you know how.

My all-time favourite Neville Goddard publication ” Feeling is the Secret 1951” is the authoritative instruction on how to create emotions and feelings that match your desire. For those that have read this book and would like further expansion on the topic then you might want to check our hugely popular online masterclass.

Feeling is the Secret Masterclass_English (Facebook Post)



” This is the secret of those who lie in bed awake while they dream things true. they know how to live in their dream until, in fact, they do just that. Neville Goddard

Now let’s delve into Neville Goddard’s concept of living in the end. When you learn how to “Live in the end” you mentally reside in the state of already having your desire fulfilled. By embodying this mindset, you align your consciousness with your intended reality. It’s a super powerful process a bit like “acting as if” but a lot more effective. Imagine being to choose a specific desire and feeling the emotions, engaging your senses and immersing yourself in this mental state. Although your outer world doesn’t, confirm this, internally you “live” as if it’s already real. It literally compels the manifestation into reality and just think what you could achieve if your able to apply this powerful process in your own life.



” I start to prune the tree, by observing what I’m imagining in the course of a 24 hours, it becomes a habit and the next day I do a little bit better and the third day better still, by the end of the week I’m in the habit of watching what I’m imagining…. and don’t wait instantly prune it” NEVILLE GODDARD

Learning mastery over the mind’s ramblings isn’t unique to Neville’s teaching, however its extremely important and certainly worth a mention. He called this process ” Pruning the Vine“. The above quotation explains it all. Essentially what Neville teaches is to practise taking charge of your inner dialogue, which is key to maintaining an internal state matching your desire.

You pay attention to the conversations going on in your head, noticing if thoughts are supportive of your ideal. If they are not, you’re encouraged to actively redirect the minds commentary. You can instantly change a thought if it’s not supportive. How? Simple by changing it to a thought that is, this learned behaviour over time will eventually reap huge benefits.

Remember negative self- talk can creep up and left unchecked, these thoughts can easily turn in to internalised feelings and rapidly cement your conceptions of yourself. When you learn to catch these negative inner dialogues “prune the vine” t stop it and replace this internal dialogue with once in congruence with your desires it accelerates your manifestation. Neville released a record in 1955 called Mental Diets, a profoundly insightful exploration of this concepts with some really practical instructions

Mental DietsDOWNLOAD Mental Diets


Neville throughout his lectures would admonish his students against the need to condition the manner in which their manifestations were expressed. Your rational mind deals with analysis, logic, sequences and linear processes which are effective for some tasks, however totally inappropriate when operating from your higher mind.

Your imagination is timeless, illogical, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Its power, this greater aspect of yourself cannot conform to the same rules of rational thinking and therefore requires a different approach by the operant. Faith, feelings and emotions are it’s a vital ingredient. He teaches than when your able to release attachment to the outcome it creates space for manifestation to naturally unfold. Surrendering empowers your Imagination to orchestrate “a bridge of incidents”, or events in your favour. Neville teaches that because this aspect of yourself responds to feelings we must resist the ruminating of the rational mind. We must have faith and whole heartedly believe in this unseen reality – our imagination

“The man who is not prepared for the conscious plunge into the assumption of the wish fulfilled in the faith that it is the only way to the realization of his dream is not yet ready to live consciously by the law of assumption.” Neville Goddard


Neville did not believe in an external God who answers prayers but rather that every human being is God individualised. And as I mentioned earlier, he did not view the Bible as a compilation of historical events, rather that it is an instruction manual to personal empowerment and enlightenment. His fascinating and insightful interpretation of the biblical scriptures provides the student with a step-by-step pathway to personal transformation. Most teachers find it impossible to unlock the mysteries and wisdom contained in the scriptures. Throughout his books and lecture, he not only deciphers its hidden mysteries but presents its instructions in a practical way that anyone can understand. This is another key distinction of Neville’s concepts from all other new age teachers.

While most teachers profess that there is a power within us or use words like law of attraction, universe, subconscious mind or source they never tell us exactly what this source or this power is.

In Neville’s many books and lectures you’ll discover a compelling and easy to understand explanation of this infinite power you already possess. and how to untap it. Mastery of manifestation is an ideal we all aspire to, and by following his teachings you can attain this mastery by practicing his specific methods and techniques. Success is assured when you learn to deliberately control your imagination.


This has been a cursory overview of this influential teacher and some of his main concepts. If you want to achieve effective results in your manifestation endeavours, then you need look no further that the teaching of this Neville Goddard and the Law of Assumption. Much of what he taught wasn’t revolutionary, infract the teachings date back to ancient times before the Old Testament. However, these universal principles have either been diluted, misinterpreted or misunderstood by the many so called gurus out there. The numberless success stories and testimonies attest to efficacy of Neville’s interpretation of the cosmic laws and that art of manifestation.


Fundamentals Crash Course


📣📣Calling all Experts, Coaches, Newbies, Manifestors, Vloggers and bloggers.. JOIN IN THE DEBATE…

“The Pearl of Great Price ” was recently voted the most popular Neville Goddard lecture by our group members. We’re starting a forum on this lecture over at the academy in two weeks and want to get your feedback and input on this famous 1967 lecture.

what’s the core message? what insights can we gain? why is the theme of this lecture so important? Is there anything about this lecture you’re not sure about?

These are just some of the topics covered in this forum

still relevant to a truth seeker today.

As we continue to spread this invaluable wisdom beyond just Facebook members, were requesting for NGMT members for some input and wisdom on this subject.

if you haven’t heard or read this lecture you can access it right here

The Inner Awakening Cercle



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